The benefits of bananas and eat heavily damaged and the fact that increased weight

The benefits of bananas and eat heavily damaged and the fact that increased weight:

Adults and children alike love the banana fruit they are tasty and nutritious. Had eaten in its natural form, and may be butchering Kosheraúh of fruit salad or mashed and added to cakes and bread recipes. And depending on the method addressed the benefits of one, and today we offer you in this article are the top 10 effects and benefits of eating one banana.

1 - low calorie

  If you want to deal with a local food instead of sugar, chocolate and cakes any high-calorie foods you can eat a banana and one without to provide you with high , per Vmozh medium in size contains about 110 calories only.

2 - a rich source of potassium

Known for bananas that rich in potassium Pencah high, you will find Vmozh per medium-sized about 400 mg of potassium, and according to the Colorado State University said that potassium is essential for healthy nerves and functions of the muscles, as well as to maintain the balance of health of fluids in the body. As the potassium in bananas can help prevent muscle cramps. It suffers from cramps or Alkramb can eat bananas potassium will help in the treatment of this problem.

   3 - a rich source of vitamin C 

As is the case with many fruits, banana find one with a good amount of vitamin C. It provides one of about 10 mg of vitamin C, or about 15% of the daily requirement of the body of vitamin C, the importance of this vitamin that enhances the immune system Faihmik diseases as much as possible, as Aahafez and promotes the health of cells and improves the absorption of other nutrients such as iron.

4 - a rich source of vitamin B-6
   B vitamins are not often found only in animal products, hence some may be surprised that very banana is an excellent source of vitamin B-6, which is pyridoxine. Surprisingly also said that one medium-sized banana contains about 35% of the body's daily requirement for vitamin B-6, vitamin that works on the growth of new cells in the body.

5 - a rich source of manganese 

Bananas are a good source of manganese, Bananas per medium-sized to provide about 0.3 mg of manganese, may Tatqdha the small percentage but good, where that adults need between 1.8 and 2.3 mg of manganese daily, which Dharorih for bone health and metabolism in the body. 

6 - a good source of dietary fiber 

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the single banana contains about 3 grams of fiber, these fibers have many benefits, including that it help you feel full for a longer period and also on the digestive system and keep it from digestive disorders that may occur.

7 - a rich source of minerals and other vitamins

  In addition to the foregoing bananas contain small amounts of other vitamins and minerals. We find banana provides some iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins such as A and E, also provides folic acid, which protects against gout and works a treat, carotene and choline. And banana also contains trace amounts of many amino acids.

8 - carbohydrates

  Your body uses carbohydrates as the main source of energy. You can eat a banana during the day is hard
A good source to provide you with fuel and activity. You can also add bananas with breakfast Ptbdo the day with enough fuel and more activity.

9 - easy to digest and prevents stomach disorders

Banana easy to digest. If you suffer from indigestion or befalls you, gastrointestinal disturbances at any time, you can address where bananas and easy way to get many of the important nutrients without prejudice Bmadtk. And is also often used as a mashed banana introduction of solid foods for babies.

10 - fat and cholesterol

Banana, although it is a rich source of many of the benefits is little in the percentage of fat that contains them as it is free from cholesterol. Mam makes a full and healthy food for all people. 

Are bananas lead to obesity? People often ask, and we find that sentence circulated by some that eating bananas harmful dietary and weight loss, it is a reason for weight gain! 

What veracity of that statement?

  Fruit as healthy as we mentioned a rich source of many of the benefits, but should be eaten banana moderation Vemozh once a day is enough, as the appetite to eat any taste certainly will have a harm. When takingmedicinebefore bananas are Vt yes will lead to weight gain and more than that it follows -

Excessive carbohydrates 

If you eat a banana in abundance, this leads to supply the body with a large amount of carbohydrates. Vmozh medium containing 27 grams of carbohydrates, notes the University of Utah Health Care. The excessive intake of carbohydrates harmful to public health and raises the risk of diabetes type

2. Vitamin B6

  Excess bananas contain abundant proportion of vitamin B6, but a lot of eating bananas gives the body a large amount at once and notes the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institute of Health. That excessive any food containing vitamin. That's where the increase in the vitamin causes nerve damage and how money should be increased from 100 mg per day for adults, and one banana contains 35% of his body needs per day.

3 - a lot of calories
There are 105 calories in a medium banana, and notes the University of Utah Health Care eat more than a banana at the same time add provide the body with hundreds of calories. Eating only one banana a day is good for your health Cullen leads to more problems earlier.

4 - fiber and puffiness

  Containing banana per fiber that benefit the body, of course by 3 grams of them, which helps in the feeling of satiety and prevents disorders of the stomach, but when the increase in eating bananas could lead to the disruption of system your digestion because of the fiber and this often leads to bloating and discomfort in the abdomen. In the end that the weight gain occurs when eating food that contains more calories than the body burns per day. Although the single banana contains 105 calories and that in a medium-sized banana, it is not likely to cause you never gain weight. This compares many benefits contained in the banana one, but of course thanks to the lack of excessive eating a banana if you do not perform kinetic activity enough to gain weight. 


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