Before I die , I want to ..

Before I die , I want to ..

May seem somewhat strange title! But hang on a little bit and completed with us ..
Each of us has dreams of, those who want a private company to be one of the most successful companies, who want to get a job in the field of studies to innovate, and there wants to complete his studies to get the title of PhD or similar, to other ambitious many differ from one person to another.  

 Today a unique project!! Goal to give hope, to move everyone forward, the participation of any individual dreams and ambitious with others ..
It is a project "before I die, I want to .. "!! Imagine that there is a panel on the public highway? Everyone goes through recorded dreams and ambitious before he dies!! ?
This was the idea of ​​the artist "Candy Chang" in the field of architectural planning of cities, it is also co-founders of the Organization "Civic Center", which aims to make cities more well-being of its population. 
 Among these projects is what we are talking about today .. Project "Before I die" ("before I die") .. Where the exploitation of the walls of an abandoned house located in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA to the huge panels can write them passers-by what they would like to do or a clearer sense of their dreams before they die all of them. 

 And stop passers-by and take finger chalk to express what is going on Boukdahm of the concerns and laid-back and happy and what you want to change. And different desires and ambitions and are sometimes identical and similar to the degree that it is surprising and puzzlement
  Interestingly, those who write on the board speak frankly about their desired dreams and aspirations muffled that will not disclose them in the circumstances and other situations. 
 The majority of these wishes seem very simple at first glance, but sad and a cause for considering them at other times, and happy and naive in others. There are those who put in mind a serious goal may be difficult to achieve, and there was considered a trivial matter and wrote a comic. 

Some may find co- wrote :
 "Before I die I would like to understand " , " I would like to feed the elephant " , " I would like to say to my mom I love her cherished " , " I want to learn to dance" , " I would like to become a celebrity ," . " I would like to instill a tree ",
Finally, what do you think the idea ? ?What you want to do before you die ?
 Seeking to achieve your dream and do not make restrictions  whatever.


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