How do you deal with your manager bully at work? !C 2

How do you deal with your manager bully at work? !C 2

 We talked last week  for signs of bullying at work, and today we will talk about the treatment of this problem, and has received replies beautiful on the previous topic What Tarifa, where some said: The best thing is shouting in the face of the bully to intimidate!! In fact, I would not recommend it never because a cowardly bully by nature, he feels it inside, as he feels that you are superior and therefore tries to challenge you from behind, watch bully never experience from the front he always challenged you from behind. 


I also like to add here the opinion of psychologists in the bully, where they say that the bully personal authoritarian has a strong need to control or dominance, are also experiencing this character from a lack of self-esteem, that uses Tnmrh to hide his weakness and concern and to promote the appreciation itself.
I'm from the reality of my personal experience of several years, I had director feel I superior them, have tried a lot Adaafa using its authority, it has cost me work and missions many in a short time, and then gave me 6 goals while others 3 goals throughout the year and work 20 course on net, such as personal development, while other 15!!! In the end did not succeed because I am patient and resisted determination to succeed, and the final result is deported from the department and I stayed.
Let's now talk about the five methods to deal with the bully Director These are:
1 - values ​​your attitude full impartial. Evaluate your situation
Ask yourself this question with full impartial, Is this person bully me or with everyone?! Does that mean bypass practiced these methods with you only, or with everyone? It is an important point if Iksdk you what this means he feels weak toward you, so he headed for his energy in his direction and solve your problem with him, but if it works the same act with everyone, the issue has become easier because you could alert everyone to the negative behavior consists of public opinion against him.
2 - firmly stood up to the bully and endowed by yourself. Stand up in his face
Do not make yourself an easy target for the bully manager, at a meeting management told me one of the managers: They to Pharaoh ish Elly Vrank, said: it encounters a stop me!!! This fact actually the more silent director tyrannical bully increased Tnmrh and Astoty Visitor everyone! And Oprah Winfrey have a lovely view in this regard, she says: (The people treat you as learning you want to be treated). And the idea to be polite professionalism, professional, and some readers sent me tell me that they can not stand in the face of their manager while shouting them!! You can experience and skill to avoid a sharp confrontations with your manager, if he insisted and raised his voice you say to him: (sorry, I do not like the tone of your voice today, when liking and calm your nerves talked) and then leave him and went away.
3 - Keep documentation of the situation. Document your situation
  Work on writing what happened to you the position of him and your reaction towards him, which is called documented situation hourly and day, a simple but profound as help you to analyze the situation and conclude where erred and where erred is, and therefore can be ready for the next step in the next time, do not make position bully يستفزك to get angry and seething emotions an error Ftertkp regret a lot, especially if your boss woman and raised your voice!!
4 - ask for the intervention of concerned parties. Get superior involved
As I said in the previous step that closer position helps you to make a judgment neutral, and at the same time telling you these documents to request assistance from the competent authorities, such as Personnel Human Resource or Personel as well as the Director of the manager Trusted Supervisor, where there every institution there a competent neutral receive complaints against managers, talk to them or with your manager to manager describes him what happened with you and the extent of its impact on employment and productivity at work.
5 - It is time to move to another place. It's time to move
The bullying untreated and uncontrolled in the workplace, negative effects of many on the staff, including negative impacts emotional, psychological and physical well, if you do everything you can do from a complaint to the director of Top and personnel did not do any good, the best thing you can do is leave and Navigation to another place for your safety mental health. Take your skills and have the expertise and moved to another place by a healthy working environment, all of us deserve to work in a safe working environment and a comfortable and creative.
Now, dear reader ... Do you have other ideas? Let the fun dialogue.
Here link (Institute of bullying at work) in America. 

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