How to deal with online forums.

How to deal with online forums. 

  none of the users and know roughly what forums or accession, in short is a small virtual community for the exchange of expertise and service ticket too, if you want to be successful member of the community, following these tips. 

1) Read the instructions and rules established by the Forum before you sign up if you have difficulty in understanding help you use the forum administrators by sending a request to the email address that you have set.

2) analysis of morality, respect, and do not write profanity or speaking is inappropriate if there is a section of new participants in the Forum, welcomed and briefed on the help forum and various ministries .

3) those who cause others to speak or unworthy, not directed by clashes behind electronic naive ignores.

4) there say things in a way that seems hostile or inappropriate, but it is not expected that the rivalry, which means that you should not rush to confrontation.

5) Does not get involved in an altercation occurred in a forum, it can lead to your input block again, however, attempted to suppress the fray without incident.

6) If you see someone attacks something or think the modern style abounds with deliberate errors, view your points objectively without being dragged into a fight not benefiting them.

7) before publishing or write something, review and select if this thing fits injured or provocative.

8) not to publish anything more than once, can be considered spam Spam Forum)) will be banned from the Forum.

9) do not write only for publication, this behavior could be considered a form of harassment (troll) is banned from the Forum.

10) there are some forums that prohibit the use of capitalization or colored according to their rules, capitalization Internet is a kind of cry.

11) is prevented from a forum, not remembering any new forum involved, it can bring to your block.

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