Gout " causes and treatment "

Gout " causes and treatment "

Gout disease is known to all, or at least heard about and most of what we hear about diseases is one of the rumors that we are trying to correct you some misconceptions that may be prevalent in our society and we offer you a full report on gout
What is gout?
Often feel acute gout attacks suddenly feel redness and severe pain in the joints, especially at the base of the big toe
Gout is one of the complex types of arthritis that can affect anyone although men are more vulnerable to infection and increasing incidence in women, especially after menopause
Fortunately, gout curable diseases and there is more than one way to reduce the risks and complications
Usually come because of gout sudden bouts of severe pain and this pain include: 


1. Severe pain in the joints

Usually feel pain in the big toe leaders but can occur in the foot or ankle joint or joints of the hand or knee or wrists and pain usually last from 12 to 24 hours.
2. Discomfort and discomfort:

Valmassab gout often find difficulty in movement of joints where he finds better not to move in order to reduce pain .

3. Redness and inflammation of the affected joints :

Delays in the asylum to the doctor will lead to increased gout bad condition which may lead to considerable damage in the joints  .

 Causes that lead to gout

Cause in the presence of gout high proportion of the presence of uric acid (Uric acid) in the blood significantly. Most people do not have a high proportion of uric acid is harmful or harmless and you with others be very high in uric acid crystals reason to be of this acid that is deposited in the joints. People with obesity are the most susceptible to such disease as people who drink alcohol and those who eat meat and fish in large quantities. There is no doubt that your body is in need of uric acid but not for large that cause disease.

 It is very important that you go to the doctor after the first bout of severe pain that Tantapk in one of the joints that we have mentioned before and do not allow him to evolve as it has a lot of serious complications:
1. Your lifestyle and the foods you eat can increase the progression of the disease, particularly in men than in women
2. Pressure medicines and anti-cholesterol medications or even high cholesterol in the blood can worsen the disease
3. Can be pathogen genetic factor in the family
4. Advanced gout leads to increase the proportion of uric acid crystals in the joints and under the skin where the type consists of pebbles and presence is a painful but spread to the rest of the joints in the body and cause swellings and bulges at the pain of gout attacks
5. The biggest problem that the proportion of uric acid that is not treated quickly lead to the formation of kidney stones or even kidney failure in some cases delayed.

How best to all that is going to the doctor as soon after the cessation of the first bout of pain in order to conduct the necessary tests and analyzes are appropriate treatment of the situation.


When you go to the doctor asked to make some analysis on the basis of which the description of the proper treatment of the patient and the situation presented by analysis and there are two types of treatment: 

     *** Treat pain attacks that follow gout: 
1. Anti-inflammatory and redness:  

The doctor may prescribe these drugs to reduce inflammation and irritation associated with pain as they contain analgesics to relieve severe pain in the joints and starts doctor with a heavy dose of these drugs usually then begins to gradually reduce them.
2. Alcoltchisen (Colichicine): 

If the physician can prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for the patient for any reason, it describes this type of medication to the patient, where he lives in pain effectively and doctor begins with a heavy dose then begins to gradually reduce until the pain disappears .

     *** Drugs to avoid the complications of gout: 

1. Drugs to prevent the body from producing uric acid:

These are called drugs Xanthine Oxidase They contain a group of chemicals that reduce the amount of uric acid in the blood, which reduces the risks and complications of gout, but the problem in these medicines that frequent use leads to a lot of problems in the production of red blood cells also affect the kidneys so it must used with extreme caution and under the supervision of the physician .

2. Drugs stimulate body  effects uric acid: 

Called Probencid which are used to stimulate the kidneys to remove uric acid from the body, but these drugs also must be used under the supervision of a doctor because it will lead to stomach pain and lead to kidney stones.
Next to the drugs that must be stopped at a certain point of their side effects should change the food system in your life, here are some tips which protect against gout and at the same time. addressed:
1. You must drink a large amount of fluid from 14 to 16 cups of fluids, at least half is water.

2. Avoid alcohol .
3. Eating a moderate amount of protein as it is responsible for the uric acid and protein are eggs, fish and dairy products, meat, nuts, and you'll find that the doctor be asked to reduce the quantities of these foods or even abstinence and in some cases  .

Some natural remedies for gout: 

1. Coffee: 

There are some studies that have proven that regular drinking of coffee without Alcavie on reducing the proportion of uric acid in the blood, but the problem is that studies on this point are still recent and does not contain sufficient evidence .

2. Vitamin C: 

There is no clear evidence for the ability of vitamin C to be an effective treatment of gout, but not okay to eat and consult a doctor.
3. Cherry: 

Studies have shown that cherry contributes to reduce uric acid in the blood, but does not relieve pain following bouts of gout as studies have shown that it is useful for patients with gout eating dark fruit of blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and purple berries .

And most importantly, prevention, prevention is better than cure so Liebig that incite drink plenty of fluids, especially water a day and eating reasonable amounts of protein, fish and meat do not abound as much as they should do a lot of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

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