Have you ever watched the heart of the Blue Whale ? ? ! !

Have you ever watched the heart of the Blue Whale ? ? ! !

The heart of a huge blue whale is so he weighs 1,300 pounds, or about 590 kg .
And humans can slip through his arteries ..
And can sense his heart pulses within 2 miles under water.

But do you know how much size? 
Size blue whale equals the size of the space shuttle! If you can not imagine the amount of this size Imagine yourself standing in front of a ten-storey building, the height of this building is the length of the blue whale!
The growth of the blue whale up to 38 meters long, any longer than a basketball court! And weigh up to 200 tons, a weight of 15 school bus! While the weight of the tongue alone to four tonnes, equivalent to the weight of an elephant!!
And can stand 100 people inside his mouth!!

Object needs Ahzh magnitude certainly a huge heart, and already equals the size of the whale heart the size of a Mini Cooper car and weighs about 907 kg!

The beating heart of the 5 to 6 times only per minute and can sense pulse after more than three kilometers! 

Imagine the size of the arteries that link so the heart: can a man to crawl inside his arteries freely!!

Can whales blue issue sounds higher than jet engines, so you can whales communicate with whales other away by distances of up to nearly the 1.600 km, Imagine that whales found in Cairo, for example (if we imagine the entire planet's oceans) can communicate with a whale in Riyadh vote directly!! (Without satellites or cell phone!).

As for the food giant, you may wish to imagine the size of his enormous meal, where he eats whale of approximately 4 tons of food a day!
Surprising to by all of the above is that the whales with magnitude are so rare that scientists do not know very little about it!
God created the Public! ..

The blue whale is the largest living organism known on earth is threatened with extinction, the existing number of about 1300 or 2000 and whale but this number is very few. Blue Whale is facing serious pollution and illegal fishing.
Blue whale life up to 80 years old, and live in the world's oceans. These creatures have skin is blue and gray patches of light-colored, and length up to 70 and 80 feet (the largest record length was 106 ft), and weighing up to 90, 150 tons and heavier females than males. 

Blue whale migrates in the winter to moderate heat areas and swim a distance of 14 miles / hour, is fed in depths less than 330 feet and possible to dive to depths of up to 1640 feet per dive duration of 15 to 20 minutes.

Usually travels blue whale alone or in small groups of 2 to 4, with that on the coasts of California spotted groups consist of large numbers of up to 60 whales in the same group. 

Instead of teeth, the blue whale has 300 or 400 layer of the jaw bones are not **** in the era of eating from the ocean, whale can eat 7715 pounds of krill (small marine animals like shrimp) per day.

It was thought that the blue whale is difficult to catch due to the sheer speed and size, but in 1920 reached the peak fishing because of the progress in shipbuilding and hunting rifles, by the sixties he crossed the blue whale extinct. 

Weird Facts: heart size blue whale up to the size of a small car and his tongue to the length of an elephant

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