How to identify the perfect time for a workout

How to identify the perfect time for a workout

We are accustomed from childhood to early morning is the appropriate period for the year before going to school and work, the role of these exercises is to stimulate the body and make it eligible to make a daily effort normal, but if you want to exercise seriously, what is the best time of the day? 

Studies have shown that between 4-18 is the time to exercise, so that pulmonary function and hormones and body temperature and the biological clock is eligible for the maximum use of physical performance and better performance can be obtained in order to increase the strength of body than usual 5% and 4% endurance.
It is normal for everyone, but what is the solution if the period of the work day may be deferred? ! The solution found by scientists is food or food if we want precision routines and it depends on certain quantities of food at certain times of the day, it made you choose any two hours per day exercise provided that keep these dates until you get the desired result.

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