Unexplained phenomena

Unexplained phenomena

Despite the great advances in science in which we live, but science is still puzzled many strange phenomena occurring in humans from time to time, theories continue without expiring at established fact.

                                1) pigeon

This is confirmed by many human beings exist and some scientists too,
But no one could interpret today and is still shrouded in mystery.

                            2) the "mission"

This is a huge ape like animal and human at the same time, a local resident
In the Himalayas between Nepal, India and Tibet and so far nobody knows the origin of this
The object and how it exists in our world.

                                 3) Ghost

Many people see ghosts in the real world, some evidence of proof
Others do not, but no final confirmation of access

                              4) Degas-Fu

The English translation is "we've seen this before," in other words, many of us
Positions they think they saw before in all their details, even if it is not reached
Basically, this theory has no scientific explanation, but some scientists
The left half of the brain tells see the image before the left half and is what causes
Confusion and in fact we think we crossed it before.

                              5 Bat noise

Residents of the city of "Taos" often, they hear strange noises coming from the desert
Each period, but so far nobody knows the source of these horrible noises or
Why they occur.

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