Ten good reasons to offer in Japan

Ten good reasons to offer in Japan

1. Japan has taught first through sixth primary seed called "road to morality" where students learn ethics and dealing with people.

2. There is no repetition of the first primary through third parties, as the goal is to educate and inculcate concepts and character, not only education and indoctrination. 

3. Japanese, despite being one of the richest people in the world have served the father and mother are responsible for the house and children.

4. Japanese children clean their schools every day for half an hour with teachers, leading to a modest Japanese production hygiene and attentive.

5. children of school going brushing your teeth clean, as clean their teeth at school after eating, they learn to maintain their health from an early age.

6. principals ate students to eat them half an hour to ensure his safety, as they consider the future of Japan that students must be protected.

7. cleaning in Japan called "engineers of health," with a salary of 5 000 to 8000 dollars per month, before his appointment to the written and oral tests.

8. mobile use in trains, restaurants and indoor and appointed silent mobile is the word "ethics."

9. If you go to a buffet restaurant in Japan, you will notice that each is to eat only as much as needed, and do not let anyone eat continues his plate.

10. the rate of delayed trains in Japan during the year was 7 seconds per year, because people know the value of time lies precisely in seconds and minutes.

Only in Japan. Ten good reasons to offer in Japan .

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