How to protect yourself from Alzheimer's

How to protect yourself from Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's most serious diseases affecting the brain, especially memory is an invisible disease and works to the destruction of memory cells and the ability to think so slowly that the patient was in the final stages can not take the simplest tasks and usually affects people over the age of 60 years .
When Alzheimer's strikes a senior Lassen, his actions become irrational and lose the ability to control the behaviors and lose the ability to think - Afana God and you .


Was discovered Alzheimer's disease by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 where he noticed changes strange in the mind of a dead carried Ptharihaa When asked on her body between her friends and family knew she was brought to memory and noticed it acts strange behavior was found after dissecting her brain that neurons were devoid of any link also noted the presence of exotic blocks Mobiles and uncaused entanglement between nerve fibers in the brain.

 The problem is that so far we do not know how to start Alzheimer's disease or how to start the process of the destruction of the brain, where the doctors think it starts more than 10 years of the onset of symptoms and during these ten years do not show any symptoms of the disease on the patient, but begin toxins to spread in the brain where blocks of proteins begin to accumulate randomly throughout the brain, causing a lack of efficiency of nerve cells and the lack of efficiency of contact each other and with the time less than the capacity of nerve cells gradually die .

Exposure causes Alzheimer's disease: 

The doctors did not understand the causes of Alzheimer's fully yet but obviously they occur as a result of the evolution of a complex series of events within the brain during a long period of time and usually causes injury returns to genetic reasons, environmental or lifestyle that you live .

Symptoms and stages of disease progression: 

Most symptoms recognized include confusion and disorder Almakh short-term problems in attention and change dramatically in the personal as there is difficulty in speech and explain what the patient feels and Sue are illustrated phases of disease progression, which include each and every one of them symptoms of the strongest shows on the spread of the disease in the brain cells faster.

 1. The first phase Mild: 
These phase that lasts from 2 to 4 years at this stage notes that the patient less active and spontaneous and the patient starts in the partial loss of memory and rapid fluctuations in mood and slow to learn and interact with him as begin to avoid people and the tendency to live alone or with family just as who experience Assaob in the planning and completion of some daily routines it is easy to lose focus as you find that he suffers from the difficulty in understanding and writing of what is going on.

2. Central Stage (Moderate): 

This phase extends from 4 to 10 years. At this stage actually feel that the patient Aajer can not rely on the same in many tasks as he forgets what happens to him a short while ago and seems to be directed and confusing significantly also find it difficult to assess the current positions and remember the time or the day and began to inability to distinguish familiar faces of his family and show a big problem in writing, reading and distinguish letters and words no longer safe to leave the patient alone .

3. Harshest and final stages (Severe): 

Runs from 1 to 3 years, during which loses the patient the ability to eat or speak or distinguish people and his inability to control his actions are final and become memory like were not from the beginning and needs to sleep most of the time and then not the patient can rely on himself in anything whatever simple with no desire to move or move any reason .
Now can some people be wondering Is memory loss that occurs spontaneously from some people for their concern or another reason is part of Alzheimer's disease in this case Najib course not all of us gallery to forget every day, for example forget where you put the car keys, but patient Alzheimer's forget what is the purpose originally from the keys I think after this ideal that the difference had been found .


1. Drugs used by doctors these days that can alleviate the progression of the disease, especially the deterioration of memory and there are two types of drugs: 

** Cholinesterase inhibitors (cholinesterase inhibitors): 
These drugs can improve the level of communication between cells boys have made a lot of improvements in most patients, but one of the most important side effects are diarrhea, nausea, sleep disorders.

      ** Mimantin: 
These drugs slow down Tdhoralatsal between cells as a result of the spread of toxins between brain cells as a result of the disease which is often used with cholinesterase inhibitors at the same time .

2. Creating an environment surrounding the patient: 

Must adapt to the environment surrounding the patient with his condition, this step of the most important steps in the treatment plan according to your doctor's advice on the situation. 

3. Exercise: 

The patient should be forced and encourage regular exercise, especially that Alzheimer's patients prefer not to mobility so you should get to know some athletic movements that older persons can be dealt with through television or the Internet.

4. Diet:

Must contain the patient's food on a large amount of vegetables and fruits, fish, it helps to develop brain cells also must address a reasonable amount of water and juices .
And must keep away from smoking Fast Food preparation and all that would impact on the patient and his health, especially as there are some studies have demonstrated the existence of relations between coronary heart disease and cholesterol and increase the progression of Alzheimer's disease  .

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