Strawberry cosmetic and health benefits

Strawberry cosmetic and health benefits
The strawberries known is  Fruit the love has several health benefits, including eye care and mitigation of high blood pressure, arthritis, gout and heart disease ..
And strawberries with their appearance tempting and shape of attractive secured its place in the list of fruits granulocytes It is used widely in products, skin care, such as creams and liquids bathing is also used in bakeries in making pies and pastries, as well as jams, juices even medical drugs it adds to it good flavor.
Strawberries also feature a high percentage of vitamin C, which is one of the antioxidants that maintain the health of cells, tissues and safety of the heart and helps to heal wounds as the red pigment which protects the heart, like the tomatoes that are gaining color of red pigment lycopene .

Let's see the health benefits of strawberries and include the following: 
Eye Care:

The main reasons for all the problems of eyes almost are free radicals and lack of some important nutrients, and with progress in life and the lack of these nutrients protective talked some serious damage to our eyes such as dry eyes, and degeneration of the optic nerves, and macular degeneration and vision defects and make them vulnerable to infections as well.
Material can anti-oxidants such as vitamin C, and Alflavonid, phenol, acid phytochemicals present in strawberries all these substances help to avoid such damage to a large extent, and the strawberries are useful in maintaining the pressure of the eyes because they contain potassium.

Prevention of arthritis and gout:

Degeneration of muscles and tissues, dry fluid that helps mobility in the joints, and the accumulation of toxic substances and acids, for example of uric acid in the body, are some of the ill effects that occur in the body which can strawberries its components anti-oxidants Order away from these health risks forever.

Cancer Prevention: 

Strawberries contain vitamin C, folate, anthocyanins, quercetin  which together form an excellent team to fight cancer and tumors. 
Improve brain function:

It is common to elderly people suffering from memory loss and lack of control over the activities of the brain and this is happening due to the aging of the brain and nervous system, where you start brain tissue and nerves to deteriorate.
Strawberries can help eliminate or alleviate these symptoms because they contain iodine, which helps to improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system. 

Treatment of high blood pressure:

Strawberries contain potassium, magnesium and it is very effective in the treatment of high blood pressure caused by sodium. 

Useful in Splenda systems: 

Few calories kinetic located in strawberry fruit makes it one of the most used systems in the diet because it helps to maintain a healthy weight and ideal. 

As well as strawberry characterized many useful benefits for beauty know in the following lines: 

Naturally bleach the teeth: 

Strawberries contain organic acids work to whiten teeth by removing lime accumulated around when ingested, can be used instead of industrial Candida, which is made up of chemicals that do more harm than good unlike strawberries which works to strengthen the gums and oral infections addressed.


The strawberries are rich in vitamin C, making it rich in collagen, which loses the skin gradually with age, it helps to improve the elasticity of the skin and maintain the youth and freshness of the skin. 

Freshness of the skin:

  That Cuba was one of the strawberries representing 20% ​​of your daily needs of folic acid, and acids are important for the skin, which works to increase freshness, plus it helps reduce the risk of disease anemia.
And nutrition experts advise during the summer to eat strawberries and because they contain a lot of important nutrients, which works to compensate the body from sweat losses due to high temperatures. 

On you now to do the experience of eating delicious strawberry fruit for a healthy body and a healthy and attractive skin until you are the most beautiful girl in all different occasions.  


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