Killed at least a hundred people and injured thousands in an earthquake in China

Killed at least a hundred people and injured thousands in an earthquake in China

At least a hundred people have least Hfhm and wounded more than two thousand injured in earthquake in the Lushan area of ​​southwest China on Saturday morning with a magnitude of 6.6 on the Richter scale. 

The disaster occurred in the foothills of the Tibetan plateau in Sichuan province, the region which is witnessing a significant seismic activity and was hit by a powerful earthquake in 2008.

And local authorities announced in Sichuan province overcrowded that thousands of soldiers was sent to the disaster area to enhance the rescue operations.

State television said the landslides hamper the arrival of rescue teams to the scene of the disaster, while the agency said the new China that a large number of old buildings in the Gaza to Lushan collapsed or damaged.

The agency said the quake seven degrees, while as much as the American Institute of Geophysics magnitude of 6.6 degrees.

The footage showed the first earthquake, small buildings and piles of devastating destruction in the streets, also showed photographs taken from the air, rural areas where homes flattened and the other looks obvious damage.

He asked President Xi Jinping will make utmost efforts to help the victims, while the Chinese premier went me Kiqiang to the disaster area to oversee relief operations.

He favored the American Institute of Geophysics that there will be "a significant number" of the victims because of the destruction "on a large scale", estimated the depth of the earthquake 12 km, relatively few which contributes to increased damages.

China is experiencing constantly earthquakes. The was
Heaviest earthquake is one of the strongest in history, struck Tangshan North East region in 1976, and claimed the lives of 242 thousand people dead, according to official figures while other sources said the fall of 700 thousand people.

A strong earthquake has hit Sichuan in 2008, which is one of the most densely populated regions, which led to the fall of about 70 thousand people and the loss of 18 thousand others.  


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