Strangest ten fruit in the world

Strangest ten fruit in the world

 1 - snakeskin fruit:

Acidic fruit exterior already looks like snake skin , and inside you find fruit
Very similar to garlic , but larger .
 2 - Atamuya:
Oddly shaped green fruit , including two one resides called ( Chirmoya )
It is inedible because the smell is unbearable , and the other is called ( Hermoya )
Type is a wonderful taste delicious.
 3 - Akibaa Equenata:

External appearance does not suggest that it could be eaten, where they resemble sausages bifida

And often find a lot of flies, but from a health point of view somewhat good,
It diuretic because they contain 30% potassium salts.  

4 - rambutan:
Fruit jelly -like eggs in the internal format , but covered from the outside the scalp skin color dense, originally from Southeast Asia , but they also present
In several countries including Australia .
5 - Screw between:
Large - sized fruit with a peculiar shape and the color orange , peel pigment used to eat no more .
6 - passion fruit:
(Love fruit) are very rare at this time fortunately, as it has not to do with fruit,

They taste disgusting and smell is grainy like the smell of the fruit (Dorian),
Even many of the questions revolved around the validity of this Title. 
7 - by Buddha:
Fruit is acidic yellow , with a lot of prominence that resemble fingers
, And because they taste good , they are used in fish dishes and salads only ,
Where they high bitterness .
8- Dorian:
Large green fruit grown in Singapore , smelly so unspeakable ,
Some states even have prevented addressed in
Public places and transportation .
9- dragon fruit:
 Also known as "Bataya", is a fruit shaped like a fire coming out of the mouth of the dragon,

Therefore called locals in Mexico this name, have sprung up recently
Where there are now in Indonesia and most of Southeast Asia.
Her taste like watermelon. 
10 - Kiwanu:
Fruit of the melon family , was grown mainly in New Zealand , from the outside and yellow filled emerge ,
It is home no less bizarre as it is green and white seeds .


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