How to protect your computer from hackers ?

How to protect your computer from hackers ?

 Thinking that protects your computer from intrusion has become very important. There is no longer who owns a computer or laptop and does not connect to the Internet. And the Internet these days fill Balvuorsat and hack programs and data theft, spyware and all you can think about it from the factors that could harm you or harm your privacy or your data, especially if you have important data set
So we offer you the most important day 6 Steps to protect from hack and your data from theft.

1. Hotspot Shield: 

Is the strongest program on the code in the prevention arena hack where the supply of sites you visit or are visited where detect and block malware also maintains your privacy in blocking websites you visit for Ad servers safer of Don't track property It is also available Free and paid available and you can download from this site:

 The program is the impact of virtual network between your computer and a network or the Internet , so put on your armor programmatically detect everything that comes to your computer before you deal with him directly.

Key features of the program: 

    ** Withholding the data that you use to access to sites and private banking sites and shopping sites
    * The blocking the IP address of your
    ** Protects you from keystroke loggers via public wireless networks in airports, at work or university
    ** Serves to protect wired and wireless networks
How to install the software on the device: 

1. When the press on the download icon window will appear where you can choose to the language you prefer and then press Next :

 2.Ask you in this step that you choose the path or the place you want to which you download the program you choose Browse , then click on the Install button.

 3. Then the program will install files on the device in the place that you selected in advance and will then press the Finish .

  4. When you open your Internet browser then the program will appear in a separate tab so that you can you stop it if you want to.

 2. You must put a strong password for your device's main account so that it contains a set of characters with a set of numbers in the merger is only known you should not make many others walk in on this account .

3. It is also useful to update your firewall running in which it operates Valthaddat may contain a solution to the problem in a gap they lead to breakthrough device .

4. Must contain your anti-virus program is strong and appropriate so that second wall of defense against any attacks from viruses that can be exploited to spy on your computer .

5. It is necessary to formulate a set of different passwords that you are aware of a specific link to change the password that you use at each site dealing with this safer .

6. Whatever happens do not you open the mails sent to you by people you do not know a Emails suspect the headline may actually be a virus and you do not know it is best to make sure your friend has already sent an email to you or not.

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