The chapter mohande Ibn al-Zubayr broke his leg once.

The chapter mohande Ibn al-Zubayr broke his leg once. 

The same day the best friend of seven son dies on his heart after running a horse and died.
He said Erwa: Oh my God I commend you to God and to him we return, they gave me seven abdelsadok and took one and he gave me four parts and one that has been ravaged Prasanna and take as long as I give, I ask God to Omar in paradise. 

And the days have passed.
And once the Caliph entered and found an old man too old blind vision face broken into pieces.

He said the Caliph: Hey Erwa the sheikh on sales history.

He said Erwa: what's your story, where Sheikh?

Sheikh: Yeah I know bits of the buttonhole on the night in the valley, and it is the richest of the valley and not me more money and solver and ayala, torrent MVattana at night, and take eyaly Mali and solvers Sun and I only have a small child and a camel, camel flees, you want to catch up with him, not away so much, I heard screaming facing child if the baby's head in the mouth of the Wolf, left to rescue him did not like, wolf teeth shred So I went back to the right with the camel's back, hit me lightly on my face, my face smashed optical and blind! .

Erwa said that Sheikh said after that? He said: I say Thank God you left me a heart evocative and telling lip.

Is patience. Those who preached God
(But wage costs made by it describes)

What are our woes to weep and sorrow.
Is it measured calamities.
They persevered, and preached God we were dismayed by this as States of America??
Rent praise God so good


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