How to buy a new computer

How to buy a new computer

Puzzled by raiding all those who want to buy a computer or laptop is a natural puzzled. So we are trying to highlight the key points that must be taken into account when buying a device. 

First / when recognizes buy a must identify the following: -

A - the amount appropriated for the purchase of the device and it is building specifications.
B - the purpose for which you want from the device and standard-setting value here.

Each user has a private specifications (a user writing programs and spreadsheets and databases and device designs and users device for Internet users and a device for users of sound montages and gaming device).

Second / visit the three companies or institutions of the largest providers of computers in the place where you live. (Not keen on buying from outside the city for reasons of hardware warranty and cutting) and compare prices according to your specifications that you want.

Thirdly / Specifications users: -

A - user desktop / device needs very normal in the specifications is not required certain specifications but the device the better specifications performed better. 
B - Internet user / not much different from the user's computer desktop but he must focus on the type shall be Pentium processor and has a Cash 2 MB or more large memory and 1 GB in order to be able to matching well. 
C - user designs / one of the most difficult devices that are selected and needs to be integrated in the cutting machine to start from the processor through the motherboard, memory and graphics card and hard drive. 
D - user audio / needs to be a good device, but the focus will be on the sound card so that supports editing and adding sound enhancers and the value of the card, ranging from SR 700 -1500.
E - user games / very close to the user device sounds programs, but the focus is on VGA and motherboard must be of a good brand is no less sound card for 512-bit.

IV / About cutting: -

(1) Processor: processor 
Focused on the acquisition of the processor that comes from the company encapsulates locked BOX It comes with an original fan and the fan has a great role in the performance of the processor (with the knowledge that there is no problem in the case of the installation wizard OEM condition and having a good cooling fan)
The higher the speed of the processor and better technique, the better the performance of power.

(2) motherboard: MOTHER BOARD 

Vary according to the purpose for which you want from the device which is very important average Vllasthaddam can choose a palette of good brand does not matter if they were integrated with VGA and sound card.
And for other uses have to take each use separately Valmsamm needs to motherboard high-tech and her entrance to VGA Join PCI EXP., And different motherboard by its technical and exits backed sure to talk them to avoid incompatibilities with any piece when you need to replace it.

(3) Hard Drive: HARD DISK 

A place to store data permanently does not affect the performance of the device frequently. Be careful acquisition supports SATA technology Select from the size that fits your business.

(4) Memory: RAM 

Important part 'bigger the memory everything possible for the device work satisfaction, and differ in the speed of data transfer.

(5) player cylinders: ODD 

Make sure the DVD player readers and in the light of price convergence with a CD burner and always keep good brand.


If you are a designer or professional gamers you need powerful graphics card holds 512 MB memory real (because some cards with real memory 128 and the rest post from the device memory).

(7) Fund: CASE 

Of the most important things that does not place the buyer's account is a fund, which contain all of these pieces must when choosing a fund that contain the power generator power supply good with a capacity of 500 watts real device in order to be able to feed all the pieces electricity needed to run these pieces at their best.

(8) the screen: SCREEN 

Screens vary depending on its technology, there are the type of style called CRT do not see and the other type LCD and first rate up to 300 riyals and the 17-second rate up to 750 riyals and recent acquisition of the best preserved on the eyes for those who exceed their use hours a day.

(9) Carte Fax: FAX CARD 

Currently, with the spread of the DSL prefers not to install an internal because external DSL modem provides wireless work environment the user may require a lot.

(10) sound card: SOUND CARD 

In montage professionals sounds prefers to focus on sound cards bearing characteristics enable them to address the sound well. The best creative company in this area is Kriya fulfilled CREATIVE.

V / important points: -

(1) at the time of purchase I make sure to be acquired device cope with the work that you want him not to take a less than specifications imposed for your business and ask him to higher performance, and do not take computer contain Standardization top of specifications imposed for your business does not benefit them. 

(2) When buying a laptop Always acquisition devices that have a wireless network card WIRLESS. 

(3) Always focus on the famous brand in the field of computer and away from non-famous names in this area because it has a retroactive effect to good use and peace of mind. 

(4) Ask for a warranty often years comprehensive pieces. And there is no guarantee for the agent and the meaning of this company and enterprise service providers rely on the agent in maintenance Its task only connect the device to the agent only. 

(5) our through this offer not to mention specific brands or specific product names or the names of certain techniques because a sophisticated computer need separate every three months to new specifications and new techniques. 

(6) For this old hardware and development - personally - I do not see it as good or useful as technical vary from period to period wide upgrading always cost new value is not distinguished performance a lot. 

(7) When using a hard drive or burner external prefer to use those devices that take electricity directly to it better and faster in dealing with data, with that common at public that the devices that deal with USB Direct best. (Is the easiest but not the best) .

Finally .. What was right, it is God and what was wrong, it is myself and the devil, I was Vadau me though missed Voadhirona.
  I hope pray and thanks. 


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