Secrets of the hormone adrenaline

Secrets of the hormone adrenaline

 Adrenaline is a hormone you  adrenal gland during the body is exposed to external pressure or severe exposure to a dangerous situation suddenly for the body, one of the powerful means used by reaction toward fighting or attitudes sudden where raising the number of heart which means speed pumping blood through the arteries, which expands its role to accommodate What came from blood to supply the muscle cells more oxygen which helps to deduce the quick reaction and appropriate addition to it is used as a medicine for certain exposure conditions of severe allergic.


Reside adrenal directly above the kidneys and the length of each one only 7.62 centimeter adrenaline is one of the hormones responsible for secreted by this gland, which often is responsible for handling pressure on the human physical and practical.

 Sudden impact position on the body: 
When the body is exposed to the position of a sudden or dangerous situation leads to pressure on the center specific brain who can differentiate between state effort and the state of relaxation at this time is Hmaantrz of the brain to send a signal chemical of the adrenal gland, which secretes adrenaline in the case to stimulate the body where stimulates the brain to collect information more and increase the body's energy than usual .
Organically based adrenaline raising blood pressure and increased heart rate are also withdraw the amount of blood from certain areas of the brain and internal organs to be pumped into the Algdilat As a result of flow of adrenaline in the blood increase the speed and strength of the body and reduces the rate of pain sensation and all what is happening in the body changes make physical body qualified for either strongly fight or flight faster than usual.

 Side effects of adrenaline: 

With the launch of adrenaline in the blood can feel human nausea and dizziness with some differences in vision and the problem is that these symptoms can last for an hour depending on the position itself.
When rights under pressure, but without the presence of risk can feel uncomfortable and human confusion and irritability as the adrenaline leads to high blood sugar as increase energy more serious. Some people see that this feature where they can work with more energy and you can get rid of this excess energy through any work you can do Kaltmarin sports, for example, 

There are some cases where there is a secretion of adrenaline overly As a result, some of the symptoms occur on the body:
Adrenalin can make you very activity or makes you feel very weak and strange that sometimes you feel all these symptoms together and that as a result of increased adrenaline overly
*** You feel that there is a time and stopped him slower than usual
*** Determine your vision for the position so that you see only what is in front of you and not the overall vision of what is happening around you
*** It is difficult to focus in this situation where you feel you are in a world of vacuum
*** Difficulty in Tntik ideas
*** Difficulty thinking clearly
And can lead to increased stress and increased stress on the heart and muscles, which can lead to failure of the heart muscle or insomnia or excessive tension, which could lead to chronic stress
Adrenaline uses for medical purposes:
Was used for the first time in 1904 as a treatment for excessive sensitivity can also be temporary housing for signs of the emergence of allergies and decisive reaction towards her, but from adrenaline doses used in the treatment of allergies should be a professional doctor knows what he is doing very well
Adrenaline can be used in the case of low heart rate which increases the heart rate and increased blood pumping is also used to activate the vital organs, such as lung, heart, brain and helps to increase the patient's recovery  .

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