Porpoise object eyes did not see before!

Porpoise object eyes did not see before!

Porpoise is an object almost watery eyes did not see the like of before

"Porpoise" is the object of a water can be found in oceans all over the world except for the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near Central and South America.
This object live at a depth of 1000 meters at the bottom of the ocean, and Inmta this object to the marine animal species called "Scotoplanes"  .

The porpoise another name and is dugongs and this is because of the antennae that there Emerge is largely similar to the horns of sheep and cows, so called also sea .
This picture that you see above the sea, a pig inverted where this pig is used hoofs or small Alsagan, the adhesion in the bottom land in the ocean and Translational it begins not fluent swim or swim in this small but hooves used to move on the bottom of the sea or ocean.

As for the composition of this object is his soft and flabby body covered in pink and is almost viscous body to some extent 
And has a number of antennae they use to track the smell of food and get it as it has 10 legs on each side 5 legs employed in mobility in the depths of the sea or ocean.



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