10 best foods contain a high proportion of iron to fight anemia

10 best foods contain a high proportion of iron to fight anemia

 Iron is one of the important nutrients needed by the human body, iron is essential mineral in the formation of blood cells, where he works to purify the blood and helps reduce fat. Where he works on the composition of iron hemoglobin, which carries oxygen and proteins, Almiocalben,
(There hemoglobin in the red blood cells and no Almiocalben in the muscles of the human body).
The lack of this important mineral can lead to anemia. Many foods rich in iron,
And thus can help prevent the development of anemia Damama eat it regularly. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 30 percent of the world's population suffer from anemia. Many cases of anemia not be due to iron deficiency. However, iron deficiency is the most common in the case of anemia and have a relationship of diet followed. Therefore one should Atsthlk iron-rich foods every day. And now Snarafkm the best 10 foods containing a high proportion of iron:
1 - lentils
All legumes and beans come in the category of lentils.Surprisingly, that 100 grams of dry lentils contain 58% of the iron.In addition, the legumes are rich in fiber and protein, and vitamin B1

 2 - spinach

The highest and richest source of iron is spinach.Is one of the best green leafy vegetables .Spinach also good for muscle building.
3 - egg yolk

Egg yolk, is a great source of iron.One egg yolk contains large approximately 6 mg of iron.Eggs are also a great source of protein .
4 - wheat

Private breakfast cereals are rich in iron .Provide you with grain Baanaajk of iron during the day , it is also useful for the process of respiration and oxygen transport in the body.

Smoked oysters is a great source of protein , saturated fat , and iron.Oysters are also good for people who follow the slimming system for weight loss.
6 - meat 
These include meat , especially liver , heart , and all kinds of different meats of fish , poultry and beef , they are rich in vitamin A , folic acid , iron, and copper.
 7 - Soybeans
Fermented soy is rich in iron , a cup of soybeans contains about 50% of the iron.In addition to being rich in iron are a great source of vitamin K, magnesium , and calcium .
8 - pumpkin seeds 
It is one of the most popular diets in East Asia, pumpkin seeds contain about 15 mg of iron .Make sure soaked in water for about 6-8 hours before use.
9 - white beans 
Cup of white beans can be enough 40 % of the daily need for iron .Can eat cooked beans or put them in power. 
10 - treacle 
Molasses is produced from boiling sugar cane , which is very rich in iron and other important minerals such as manganese , potassium, calcium, which is no doubt that treacle free of fat.

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