Top 10 principles of success

Top 10 principles of success

Success is achieving your dreams .. is the perfect Astglalk energies .. is good relations is to achieve what you want and the Tudeh .. Is learning from the past and take advantage of it .. Or is the result of repeatedly fails or is overcoming negative habits ... is to find out. 

The definition or what success is different from one person to another select what is success for you .. Know your way to where you are other? What do you want exactly?
Select what you want from yourself from your relationships of the Lord of your career .. What do you want out of life .. I know where you are going and only went to a dark place and you're in the middle of the ocean drew the ship and only stayed struggling with the waves.

And the most important thing at least I failed "failure" .. The word does not exist in my dictionary, because I do not admit it, and replaced it with the phrase "I am no more satisfactory" Do not Rush and judge me say this as lucky, and that his life filled , he won what he wishes!
Do not say "I failed" .. But say .. "I Mutawakkil" .. Take reasons .. Say thank God so much to me reasoned reasons
Do not say "I Aof something" .. But say .. "Allah is my Lord saved me from goodness I do not know" .. We thank God bless whom
Without the expense.
Do not say "I am nothing," but .. You something .. I also thing .. And the other thing ask the Lord to admit you at the mercy which encompasses all things. You something ..
Of course everyone wants it to succeed, what are the basic ingredients that help us to achieve this goal? Even if the possibilities or circumstances do not permit? ,, Do not worry realize success is not hard to do all you have to do is to start a positive step and increase your energy and your determination to achieve success

Today we show you the top 10 principles of success in Anfujrav restricts you those principles and makes it easy to recognize success, I know you have now what you want just life journey, not a destination and one that should be made and now we begin with you the top 10 principles for success:  

In the end
Beware of pessimism, and be optimistic.
Be organized and warn chaos.
Be self-confident.
I continue not interrupted District reach your goal.
Stay away from the frequency.
Multiply your efforts to reap the fruits of your business.
Know successful personalities and read it.
Manage your time.
Let have entrepreneurship to innovation and creativity.
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