Discovery method of dealing with computer eye fatigue

Discovery method of dealing with computer eye fatigue

Number of scientists was able to find a simple solution and is hard to the problem of eye fatigue, which suffered most of those who use computers for long periods of time, and is the solution in a private therapeutic method which they called "20 - 20 - 20 - 20."

The main method new therapeutic in the need for the user Balgmz particular grueling 20 times in a row every 20 minutes, to be accompanied by a move away from the screen for 20 seconds with a focus to look at any thing away from him 20 feet, according to the report published by the newspaper "Daily Mail", British.

He said one of the participants in the development of the new method, Dr "Edward Mendelsohn" from the University of Texas, said that this way, despite its simplicity , but it is feasible and can achieve a significant difference felt by the average user.

It is noteworthy that this method specifically designed for those who suffer from a syndrome "of the computer," known by its acronym CVS suffered by practicing acts in front of computer screens for long hours or even video game lovers.

The symptoms of this syndrome pathogenesis in a drought, and fatigue of the eye, and headaches, as well as pain in the neck and joints, according to Web site reported "Fox News," and despite being symptoms temporarily, but the neglect may lead the user to seek medical help at some stage. 



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