Benefits marjoram

Benefits marjoram

 Marjoram is a herbaceous plant Muammar 30-60 cm high. Polygonal solid leg, and covered with bristles minutes to brown color at the top mixed with red, and the paper of the tongue, and flowers spindle sets their bright red color, and aromatic odor. White flowers tend to pink.

Famously marjoram many names including: 

Marjoram, Marjoram wild thyme, marjoram, quartz, basil land, basil boy, Alabaqr, thymic. Known in Saudi Arabia as douches or Wazzab. 

Home :

In Turkey, Cyprus and spread in the country's Mediterranean, Iran and North America and the Arabian Peninsula and India. Grows on sunny slopes in meadows, fields and stony land in dry climates. Grown in abundance in the southern regions of Saudi Arabia

Medical benefits marjoram:
- Used to treat Glaucoma is an eye disease "blue water"
- Removes flatulence.
- Stimulates the flow of bile.
- A general tonic.
- Anti-inflammatory pectoris and tonsils, cough, infections, trachea and asthma.
- Menstrual diuretic.
- Good for stomach pain.
- And peptic laxative.
- From abroad is used to treat colds massage nose ointment herb juice.
- According boiled for the treatment of inflammatory allergic rhinitis.
- Used widely in the food industry as a spice with meat and vegetables.
- An active alarm Rahmi.
- He has been instrumental in organizing the ringing hormones, aldosterone, and prostaglandins, which are hormones kidney gland neighbor, as well as regulating the hormone prolactin.
- Grass is used in treatment of irregular menstrual cycle, as well as dysmenorrhea and in the treatment of pre-eclampsia.
- Reportedly used in medicine in the treatment of blood pressure, and dysmenorrhea in women, as it removes excess water from the body.
- Restores hormonal balance, healthy and if taken it does not affect the hormonal اتزانهم, but play a role in accelerating metabolism Oddly enough, in this grass that if you take the evening it leads to relaxation.
- Used marjoram in the form of tea in the United States of America, and freely sold in drug stores, it regulates hormones.
- Used as an anti-microbial, it is placed with processed meat as a natural preservative.
- Recently proved that the aqueous extract retained volatile oils which lowers blood sugar by up to 15%.
- Has a close relationship to expand the airways and remove migraines.
- Used oil output than in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatic pain, as it is calming and repelling gas.
- An impact dwellings and an antidepressant.
- Research has shown that this herb extract a catalyst to influence the immune system completely equal the known effect of Nigella sativa.
- Has anti-inflammatory effect and lowering the temperature higher than the impact of some of the standard drugs used in the treatment of these diseases.
- Experience has shown that this hormonal extract the power to make a natural balance of reproductive hormones and ratios which causes imbalance of inferiority or increase to sterility, whether male or female.
- Studies conducted to demonstrate the therapeutic effect of the plant extract "marjoram" that have a protective effect prevents the destruction of liver cells, as well as influential against oxidation.
- Contains many active substances such as thymol and Alcavacrol and Alorzmarenak acid substances that have an effect counter to some types of viruses and microbes.

- How to use:
Takes a small teaspoon of dry powder marjoram placed in a cup and then pour it boiling water , cover and leave between 10 to 15 minutes , then strain and drink twice a day , morning and evening.
 Finally is mentioned in the Sunnah:

The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: "You marjoram it good for
Alkhcham" and Alkhcham is cold.

Have you ever heard before now marjoram? Can be replaced instead of red tea drink daily as it contains health benefits make never Atsngny it.

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