You will learn the world our fate?

Ten things I learned Japanese in distress Fukushima
You will learn the world our fate? 
1. calm:
No landscape struck in the chest or strokes, despite the lamentations of the disaster that has befallen them.

2. compliance:
Respectable queues to purchase water. The word is dry and does not conduct offensive and does not pay and if God willing. 

3. Ability :
Architecture and construction of high fidelity. Most of the buildings came down and did not collapse.

4. mercy :
Customers have only what they needed to earn that everyone can get their needs.

5. system:
No clutter in the stores. Horn not and hit the road. Only absorb and understand the situation.

6. sacrifice:
Fifty workers stayed (despite the risk of death) in the nuclear reactor, where the sea water cooling pump. How can the linguist?

7. welfare:
Restaurants cut prices. ATM left intact. Caring weak forces

8. training:
Adults and children all knew exactly what to do.

9. information:
They showed great mastery. There was no increase broadcaster vain and they tremble for glory, just calm reports .

10. consciousness:
When cutting electricity and lighting stores in people returning to store shelves and leave quietly. 

(The virtue of human consciousness)
It is true morality and Japanese are applied only by the respect and recognition of anhnitlhm. People are really sophisticated. 



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