Facebook pervades the world of smart phones

Facebook pervades the world of smart phones

Facebook is seeking to enter the smart phone market from wide door to its social network, which includes billion active users, through providing location services integrated into mobile devices through a copy adjusted own  from the Android operating system.
The company holds in the current fourth of April press conference at its headquarters in the U.S. state of California where he was smart phones operating system provides services Amended social networking site genuinely and without the need to install any additional software. 

Facebook has sent an invitation for media labeled the journalist words "New Home on Android" in reference to the product that will reveal him new screen Mterbt to display information Facebook and the Android operating system developed by Google.
Press reports said that Facebook will offer their services via mobile phones so that the location information appears on the first screen shows the user when running the mobile device.
She added that the company will provide the operating system via mobile average company "HTC" Taiwan as a prelude to present the idea to other manufacturers.
Will not put the company at this conference smart phone carries its own brand as the rumors say and also the founder of the site confirmed Marc Zukirberg in a press statement asserting that the site strategy do not agree at all with the project to develop a smart phone. 

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