What is the history of the Burma Road? And why Muslims burn there? Historical mysteries of Burma

What is the history of the Burma Road? And why Muslims burn there? Historical mysteries of Burma

Burma also known as Myanmar, is located next to China and India. There is a nation called Muslim Rohingya living in Myanmar-Burma'''' ruled by the army and the Muslim community are Buddhists about 10% of the population is exposed to genocide, displacement, and this story is not new but has a history as history: in 1784, was occupied by the Buddhist king of Arakan (bodabay) that reach the territory in Myanmar for fear of the spread of Islam in the region and continued during discussions in the pre-Buddhist persecution of Muslims, looting experiences and promoting Buddhist almagh (Indian).

 In (1824), Britain occupied and annexed the colonial government of British India. (1937) Revealed Myanmar with Britain Arakan independent colony of the British colonial government of India as the rest of the colonies within the empire of the time, as the Government of Myanmar. Muslims encountered the English colonization in making Britain afraid of them, began their campaign to get rid of Muslim influence policies themselves (divide and conquer) it should encourage Buddhists against Muslims and provided them weapons, even causing the massacre of 1942 Muslims, who were lynched by approximately 100,000 Muslims in Arakan! In 1948, Britain granted independence to Burma, provided that the grant for an independent ethnic groups after 10 years if you want, but that independence was until they broke and deliver reneged on promises the continued occupation of Arakan, without the desire of Muslims (alrohngia), Buddhists (almagh) and most odious practices against Muslims. Muslims have not changed alrohngia after the November 2010 elections, as prescribed by the Muslims of Arakan scheme exists, these practices were able to move 3 million to date and hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Burma is a country in the East Asia and along the Bay of Bengal challenge. Burma from China's northeast, bordered by India and Bangladesh and the North-West shares a border with Myanmar, Laos and Thailand border south coast overlooking the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean arm extends from Burma to the southeast in the Malay Peninsula and is limited to the territory between the chambers of Northern Ecuador ten and twenty-eight North and Britain occupied Burma in the late nineteenth century until independence in 1948 and the largest city of Yangon (Rangoon) As the former capital of the country.



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