IPhone of gold and diamonds $ 17 million

IPhone of gold and diamonds $ 17 million

British designer, known for providing luxurious models of technical devices, last reached in the fashion world, a phone iPhone 5 studded with precious stones and sells for U.S. $ 17.8 million only!!
British designer Stuart Hughes said that his accomplished took 9 weeks of manual labor is the most expensive in the world.
Hughes worked on recycling exoskeleton phone with gold of 24 carat and inlay 600 pieces of white diamonds.

The only plastic button in the iPhone replace the phone by another from the Black Diamond carat pure 26-carat, while screen made of sapphire glass, according to Hughes press statements.
Apple logo on the back side of the phone did not leave intact but also studded with more than 50 badly.
As the price of the phone will not be possible for many, Hughes has decided to make another copy at a lower price of 39 thousand U.S. dollars. 

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