God's plan if you like

God's plan if you like

We have God's plan if you like accounting project Send this message to your friends right action as an asset and perhaps because to protect people through the Quran).

1) to imitate the prophet peace he and maintains documentation with Gabriel and some of his friends.

2) emulate predecessor Ibn 'Abd al-Barr (application of science degrees and ranks should not be beaten, and also between the change advances may Allah have mercy on them, register the first science book of Allah and understanding ... A e) 3) save everyone, and has nothing to do with IQ or age, have saved many seniors. But to save the unbeliever who do not speak Arabic, as well as children.

4) Failure of a project Koran is not known. How? ! While Muslims begin to memorize the Holy Quran by the strong resolve and then staple it laziness and lethargy, uninterrupted continuation of conservation, because it is not in vain, but if it saves something it does not deprive the reward recitation, each character 10.

5) Qur'aan are the people of God, as in his speech and enough privilege.

6) holds Koran deserves honor, speak (God-honoring tribute Shaiba Muslim Koran holder is expensive and Asharq ... Talk) where the reveal?

7) real glee in the Qur'an and save it in the talk (no envy except in two: the man God Attah Book Talk by night ...).

8) save the Koran and learned better than minimum effects, talk (not one of you becomes mosque teaches or reads the verses of the Book of Allah is better for him than she-camels, and three better than three, four better than four camels of them) and do not forget that in this most precious time and money boiling.

9) kept the Qur'an is the first to lead in modern (prayer akro'hm popular book of God) and do not forget to pray and a second column of the pillars of Islam.

10) the Quran in the world and the Hereafter, in the modern (God this book raises other peoples and other places).

11) the Quran kept in his grave after the Battle of Uhud and when you bury the martyrs was the prophet meets two men in a tomb and offers the most preserved.

12) and the Day of Resurrection the Qur'an with his family and his country and his intercession is acceptable when God in the modern (read the Koran, it is the Day of Resurrection to intercede for its companions). So congratulations to intercede for him this great book on the day of trial.

13) Koran because of the escape of fire, talking (even to the Quran in the cuticle and then thrown into the fire as burnt) Narrated by Ahmad and others. Abu told him: God does not torture with fire raising the heart.

14) recorded in the degrees of Paradise in the Hadith (the Qur'an says: Read the first class and as you turtle in the world, your rank when you read into the queue). Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami said the new guard by heart, because just reading online is no different than people.

15) kept our glorious journey-speaking and pronunciation Al-Bukhaari said: (eg reading the Koran and kept with the dining room just distinguished) What a privilege to be with God {said for newspapers * * Freehand * cram his hands disinfected explained) (ABS verse 13:16).

16) kept the Koran more people play, record requiere repeated reading, and must be checked constantly and in the modern (the characters read from the book of God is good, and good is ten times).

17) kept reading the Qur'an in all conditions, it can read or conduct in the dark, reading, walking and lying down, can not guard to do this?

18) cited the Qur'an default Quranic verses in his speeches and sermons and teaching or non-keeper how much suffering when you quote all or their position.
After that we refrain from saving our God? ! .. 



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