How to control your anger

How to control your anger

Everyone gets angry, but if the limit is a negative impact on mental and physical health, and more importantly, it will affect your relationship with those around you, the solution is to calm down and wait, follow the steps below. 

1) get a break when you feel you're about to explode in anger, stay away from all this anger you get the payback, filter your mind and restore the proper state of mind.

2) take a deep breath, count to 3 with each inhalation and exhalation, turn your anger and would return to the proper state of mind, not just focus on something other than the count of 1 to 3 in each process inspiration or expiration, you will get a satisfactory result did not believe possible.

3) If you feel angry, go anywhere you like and feel happiness, such as forests, or a patio at the rear of your home, or anywhere away from the noise and heat only place to retire you think calmly and reach the right decision away from intolerance and anger.

4) occur with yourself to get rid of anger inside you and always try to look for the good things that came out the problem you are having, for example, if your car has an accident and is completely destroyed, you should be thankful for what you feel bad, and so on, IE: always try to focus on the positive side, whatever you encounter problems.

5) ask for help from someone that trust, if a member of your family or a close friend, a useful reference to anyone and help him achieve radical solutions to the problems that afflict them.

6) to get rid of anger, I do not mind getting a little humor, experience, and has been adopted to help increase your anger, if you apply it properly, it will flame up rage and anger with any problem you encounter, regardless of size


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