How to extend the life of your running

How to extend the life of your running
 if you want to increase the tolerance for jogging and extend the distance without physical fatigue or boredom, surely these helpful tips. 

1) do jogging routine on a daily basis, it will increase your energy, start with two days a week and then increase to 4 or 5.

2) should be gradually pay more jogging, moving from one stage to another can begin first non-interference and then move to the phase of Sprint.

3) Watch your diet and make sure you eat plenty of fluids, protein, aidaakthr intake of fruits and vegetables, foods containing carbohydrates.

4) Watch your breathing and make sure to take the air with the nose and exhale through your mouth, breathing increases your energy during the race.

5) is preferred to listen to music while jogging because they distract fatigue escaped in his body, if it suited you in this way.

6) Select your place during your running goals motivates you and encourages you to continue in the spaces.

7) Be sure to have your head horizontally, do not look at the ground while running, This accelerates the tired look in front of you.

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