Miracle of self - discipline

Miracle of self - discipline

 In the last century lived a man named Cobb Cap Meyer Kop Kopmeyer, was cup Meyer researcher for success try to collect as much as possible ways of success, finally wrote a book called (A principle of success) in four parts and each part a 250 principle, fortunately for expert Brian Tracy, who was at the beginning of his career has met with Cap Meyer after reading his book, he asked Brian writer Cap Meyer about the most important of these principles all, said Cap Mayer said the most important is usually self-discipline Self Discipline which, if not owned by it can achieve the principles remaining.
He knew Cap Meyer self-discipline that: (to carry yourself to do what you should do, when you should be doing, whether you like it or not). 

Has included in his book 9 principles of self-discipline we have adhered to in order to achieve discipline in our lives and success, you these nine principles

1 - Commitment habit of clear thinking. The Discipline of Clear Thinking
There are 3 types of people, those who really think (a few people), and those who believe they are thinking, and finally there is a large class of people will not like thinking and would rather die than think.
The correct way of thinking is relaxation day for half an hour in a quiet place, then put the problem (or goal) on a sheet of paper, then examine all aspects of the problem and review of appropriate solutions. 

2 - Commitment daily habit of setting goals Dailly Goal Setting
Start by asking yourself: What do I want Jqikh of my life? What is the real goal that I want to do in my life? What are my goals that I am trying to achieve?
Buy the book and write down ten goals, write down your goals form the present tense and in a positive manner and reviewed by a day, every day Copy these goals at least five times, and thought through to their investigation. 

3 - Commitment effective time management habit daily Dailly Time Managment
There is a rule that says (that every minute you spend in planning will save you ten minutes in execution) and therefore more they planned benefited from your time more and more achievements.
Write a list of tasks that you intend to work the night before, use the base priority tasks, and 80/20 rule to make the most of your time, your success in managing your time will have a positive impact on every other business. 

4 - Commitment habit of courage The discipline of Courage
Says Ralph Waldo Emerson: (Do the things you afraid to do, and will die of fear inside you), had a habit of facing your fears rather than to run away from them. 

5 - Commitment excellent hygiene Excellent Health Habits
Set yourself a goal to live until the age of 100 years in good health. Find all habits that can keep you in great health, and the oldest and avoid all the habits that can bring you the disease. 

6 - an obligation to provide regular investment of money and Regular Saving & Investing
Put a target for yourself rid of all your debts if you have, and get financial independence, and the key in this is that you earn is always more than the disposal, and secondly always provide 10% of earnings and increase the percentage a year to 20% and then 30% on a regular basis. Clement Stone says: (If you can not save money, the seeds of greatness is not in you!!).

7-Always retained Basmatk to your colleagues that you are serious and industrious worker (workman) (filled plowing) (Petkrv curve), says Thomas Jefferson: (whenever endeavored to your business, the more I became more fortunate). 

8 - commitment to continuous learning habit Continuous Education
There is a rule that says that: the more you earn in learning more,  education system is supposed to Dr. takes a salary higher than the owner of a Master's degree and Master higher than bachelor.
For non-formal education, one of the most beautiful ideas that you read in your field from 30 to 60 minutes a day, which is equivalent to a book a week and this means mathematically 50 books a year!! This alone may make you a great expert in your field and perhaps the highest paid in the profession. 

9 - Commitment to insist on success habit The Discipline of Persistence
The biggest test of self-discipline is when you insist on the face of all obstacles, and lead yourself to complete all the tasks 100% no matter how you feel.
They say that courage consists of two parts, the first of which is when it begins any work without any guarantee of success, and the second part is the courage to complete what has been started and insist on that even though you feel inhibition and you want to give up.
In the end should feel the benefits of self-discipline because if you succeeded in doing so you'll love yourself and respect the most, and will increase your appreciation self yourself and improve your image in front of yourself, and will finally secreted brain hormone Saad in your body (which endorphins) and then you will feel very happy, I hope you enjoy all of my friends great moments of happiness. 

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