How to increase download speed of internet?

How to increase download speed of internet?

The Internet is the quickest and easiest way to get all sorts of information and multimedia, but the worst part is offset by an Internet user is slow to load information.
Here are 6 tips to increase the download speed of your computer. 

1) check the Internet connection options
You must first verify your Internet service, preferably connected to the Internet via cable "DSL" instead of line speed than DSL.

2) ensure that the connection speed by the amount of data
You should monitor the amount of data that you carry around and downloaded more per second, where the speed of the speed of data download to another, for example the speed of 512 carrying 60 kilobytes per second mega carrying 140 KB or more per second, and so on, so you need to monitor the speed of downloading data, and when there is no problem you should consult your service provider.

3) Close all open programs while downloading
Preferred to close all programs need when you download this free up your computer's resources to improve the treatment of data transfer online, but also to facilitate the loading of data as quickly as possible.

4) selection priorities files you want to download
When you upload data to the Internet, choose the priorities of your downloads and select the files you want to download it now and let the files you want to download at any time thereafter.

5) Download files at different times of the day
If you feel the slow download, you can download at different times of the day, maybe other users have the same file, making it, download speed is slow.

6) install download accelerator
Download accelerator program is the best program enhances the capabilities of your computer, notes increases download speed many thought, but it helps the machine to download and order management functions. 

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