How do you get rid of swollen eyes

How do you get rid of swollen eyes

 Some women suffer from swollen eyes, especially in the morning after waking up for a period of up to begin the usual activities of the offer in this article some home recipes that help you get rid of this swelling that affects your look and shape of your eyes: 


1. Tea: 

In this case it would not disagree on the type of tea green tea and red performing the same purpose in calming swollen eyelids where that caffeine helps to impede the excess blood from the surge in blood vessels of the eyes so reduces swollen while green tea contains antioxidants that help to reduce irritability . You can use two bags of tea and put on the Jaffna from 3 to 5 minutes with relax even give the desired results and in the summer it is better to put bags in the refrigerator before Tdaehma on your eyes in order to increase the recovery of your eyes.

2. Option: 

No option taste delicious, but it also contains material which reduces the holding rush of blood in the eyelids. Lie on your back put two pieces of option Matdartin on Khvonk which closed and relax from 5 to 10 minutes and you'll get satisfactory results  .

3. Potatoes: 

Spread the use of potato recipes alternative medicine in Europe, especially the treatment of headaches and some infections they contain substances Amadadhllalthab which means it's very useful for the eyes. You can use potatoes through hard-boiled and then glanced up well and put it in a light clean cloth so you work compresses to the eyelids eyes for 15 minutes.

4. Cold water: 

You can use the cold water compresses early in the morning for 10 minutes where there is no time to work compresses option or potatoes as it will give your eyes the required freshness and sparkle.

 Tips to keep in mind:

1. You must sleep well without disturbances and ensure enough time to sleep, so at least 6 hours per day .
2. Careful to drink plenty of water in winter and in summer, especially in the summer compensation hydration necessary for the body.
3. Careful to eat foods that contain a lot of fruit and vegetables.

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