What would you say to those who say that "Muslim terrorists"?

What would you say to those who say that "Muslim terrorists"?

Americans live in constant fear of Islamic Salafi movement, is the fear that breeds and raises far-right movements and Islamophobia (fear of Islam). Currents that develop the idea that all terrorist events in the United States indicates the first and is the sole responsibility of Islam. For much of the American media that says that all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. 

It was confirmed by the CNN news site publishing a recent study claims that the terrorist attacks in the United States are mostly by Salafi Islamist groups, said the study by Duke University and North Carolina that Islamic terrorist incidents increased significantly in the past.
But these studies and recent results show non-specific, the simplest of this appendix is ​​on the website of the Federal Office of the investigation, "FBI", which displays statistics on the percentage of those responsible for terrorist attacks against the United States in the period between 1980 and 2005.

The graph on the FBI's terrorist events Islamist leaders do not exceed 6% of terrorist incidents in America, and that the primary responsibility for terrorist attacks, Americans are Hispanic and 42 percent left-wing extremists and 24% those socialist ideas than 5 percent.
But it is striking that terrorist incidents are the responsibility of Jews in America 7% of all events, which means that more events related to Islam. Knowing that terrorist incidents are the responsibility of the Jews be motivated activism in the Jewish religion.

And it is surprising that there is a big difference between the coverage between the two, once the existence of a terrorist incident would turn the Islamic world and the American media are alarmed by this incident, contrary to what is happening with the Jewish terrorist incidents, it is completely ignored in what looks like a cover up in the not to attract the attention of the world, and that the policy with all other terrorist events except for the Islamic world thinks Islam is the first and only official on terrorism in America and it is not true and fabricated to tarnish the image of Islam.

And operating groups hostile to Islam that coverage fair to establish that the specific argument is that Islam encourages terrorism. A quote that makes these groups living in a virtual world where criticism of Islam and Muslims, but the truth is just the opposite.
It's supposed to be a place of Islam and American Muslims Hispanic by virtue of having the largest shareholders in terrorist attacks in the United States.

In summary, we found that the current extreme right of the misery of America we citizens live in fear of Islam. Something that should be addressed to the assets of Latin America. We must also agree on the fact that the logic is that Islamist terrorism was not exaggerated. 

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