White cliffs of Dover

 White cliffs of Dover

The white cliffs of Dover in the literature as important in history. Large in the Napoleonic Wars and World War II, and it represents England's last defense line in poetry and literature. In Matthew Arnold's poem, Dover Beach, is receding tide away from the slopes that are most important in terms of loss of confidence. The cliffs of Dover also symbolize England itself, by Rudyard Kipling and homesick even in his poem "broken men." 

Regardless of symbolic value of the white cliffs of Dover, and it happens to be a great place to while away the afternoon. With Dover castle as a backdrop, you can feel nature take you to explore the formation of a cliff interesting and pretty surprised wildlife encountered in this process.

Do not be surprised, for example, if you happen to loose a herd of horses. Although these horses imported by wildlife organizations in Dover, the ancestors of these horses, but Tarpans wild extinct, has roamed here in prehistoric times. While the famous "Bluebird on the white cliffs of Dover" may represent warplanes blue with the lower abdomen, and there are many species of birds as well, contributing to the sounds you'll hear as you walk.

Of course, the slopes themselves the star of the show. Composed mostly of chalk, marble and skillfully with flint and quartz, and these slopes are a good example of how something very small, such as single-celled algae, can create something like this widely. 

Can enjoy these cliffs from three different angles: from above, walking along the corridors herbal visitor center, from the bottom, and walking along the beach pebbly, or from a distance, as across the channel, either coming from or going to the continent. 

 When going Elylklev White of Dover
Best time of year to visit the white cliffs of Dover is when the weather is most acceptable to them, between June and September. In July, it is also possible to swim in the canal, or at least someone saw swim across the channel, and that may be added to the excitement.

Because they are made of chalk cliffs, a substance somewhat soft, and the cliff face eroded 1cm annually. This may be a reason to see the slopes sooner rather than later, and it's certainly a reason to be cautious and not to approach also closely to the edge.

Odds n 'ends
This activity is free and can be accessed most easily by car. The most convenient time to walk along the white cliffs and when the visitor center is open and you can use the bathroom, warm up in the cold months with coffee, or cool off in the hottest months with cold drinks. Hours vary throughout the year, but overall, it opens and closes in 11 at 4 or 5 in the afternoon.

 White rocky slopes in Dover and one of the most famous landmarks in England. Huge white chalk cliffs of the nearest part of the celebration continental land to England, with Dover serving as an important port town throughout history. Port busy to this day, and passenger ferry travel to and from France enjoys views perhaps the most striking of the symbolic scene.

White cliffs of Dover from up to 300 feet in length and stretches for 10 miles to the east and to the west of the city of Dover. France is facing slopes through the narrowest part of the English Channel. And chalk - which consists If sea shell fragments and remnants of small marine organisms - a soft, fine-grained and streaked with black flint.
Historical importance
Because the white cliffs of Dover face Continental Europe in the narrowest part of the English Channel, there have been many attempts to invade they are over the long history and England floors. You can see France from the slopes on a clear day. Fell off Julius Caesar in 55 BC Dover and was greeted by the armed forces, so I got back on the ship and traveled to different beach instead.
Hidden Tunnels
There tunnels hidden behind the face of the cliffs of Dover, which carved out of the prisoners held at Dover Castle during the Napoleonic Wars. Tunnels later as secret tunnels were expanded in time of war, and parts of which served as the headquarters of military and Winston Churchill during World War II.
Symbolic importance
White cliffs of Dover are from the first glance and post you see when you travel outside or arriving to the port of Dover. Their striking appearance adds to their emotional value and a symbol of England. The value of the slopes "symbolic to English in the famous song in the Second World War era sung by Vera Lynn" (There will be more than bluebirds) white cliffs of Dover. "
Enquiry for at least two weeks early, and you can enjoy a personal tour chosen from the white cliffs of by one of the "staff welcome white cliffs." The greeting is local residents who volunteer to participate in the history and stories of the white cliffs area with visitors.
Note References
The white cliffs of Dover in Shakespeare and also is featured in the poem 1902 "Man Broken" by Rudyard Kipling "King Lear.", And the song "see me through" by Van Morrison, and scenes from the James Bond movie "Moonraker" , and the movie "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves," starring Kevin Costner. 

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