The richest 10 countries in the world according to Forbes magazine 2012

The richest 10 countries in the world according to Forbes magazine 2012

 American according to Forbes magazine, has published an article on the richest 15 countries in the world and find an Arab state of Qatar, topped this list that have been classified on the basis of per capita gross domestic product (GDP), higher than the annual per capita income in Qatar 88,000 dollars (according to figures from the Fund International Monetary world 2010). And was also in this list of the UAE in sixth place with an average income of $ 47.439, while Kuwait came in the fifteenth mediately income of $ 38.775.

To clarify Qatar has the potential economic effects, mainly in oil revenues and gas reserves enormous owned, compared with population low (1.7 million), as well as the diversity of investments made by the Qatari government from owning stakes in global financial institutions, universities and multinational companies, through the organization of events the world's  Cup 2022 .

You ranking :

1 - Qatar: 
Average per capita income: $ 88.222 a year. 

2 - Luxembourg: 
Average per capita income: $ 81.466 a year .

3- Singapore: 
Average per capita income: $ 56.694 a year .

4- Norway: 
Average per capita income: $ 51.959 a year .

5- Brunei: 
Average per capita income: $ 48.333 a year.

6- UAE: 
Average per capita income: $ 47.439 a year.


7- United States of America: 
Average per capita income: $ 46.860 a year.

8-Hong Kong: 
Average per capita income: $ 45.944 a year. 

9- Switzerland: 
Average per capita income: $ 41.950 a year . 


10- Netherlands: 
Average per capita income: $ 40.973 a year.

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