Comprehensive with respect to the Kingdom of Norway study , immigration and refugee ..

Comprehensive with respect to the Kingdom of Norway study , immigration and refugee ..

Peace and mercy of God be upon , Prcahalsalam you and God 's mercy and blessings.

              Information on visas to Norway :

A visa is a permit to enter Norway and other countries of the region "Schengen" for a limited period of up to 90 days.
You can get a visa to visit if you come to Norway as a tourist or to visit family or on official working visit or to study or any other visit does not require you to get a work permit or a residence permit.
A visa to Norway and the rest of the region "Schengen" will be valid for a maximum period of 90 days, and can not be renewed in principle after the entry zone "Schengen". Can be the exception to this rule only in the event of something unexpected after logging zone "Schengen", to be basic visa had been granted for a period of less than 90 days. Can not in any case exceed the total period of stay in the "Schengen" for 90 days in the last six months.
The visa obtained from Norway will be valid for all countries in Europe associated with the "Schengen"

Who should apply for a visa to visit Norway?

Needs in principle all persons visa to visit Norway.
Exempted from the obligation to obtain a visa for citizens of countries that have visa exemption agreement. You can view the list of countries exempted from visa on the Internet at the following address:. Www no.udi or to obtain information on the subject of visa from the nearest Norwegian foreign mission.
From among those exempt from the obligation to obtain a visa:
● citizens of the Nordic countries.
● foreign nationals who hold valid passports from countries Norway has concluded visa exemption agreement.
● people with Norwegian passports valid especially foreigners.
● People who hold valid Norwegian travel documents especially refugees.
● People who have permission to work or residence permit in Norway and other countries in the region "Schengen". 

Where do I apply for a visa to Norway?

The visa application in person to the nearest Norwegian foreign mission where it is considered in most applications, but can in some cases sending the request to the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration for consideration in Norway.
And pay the fee at the time of application. The value of the current drawing can be found at this address on the Internet / gebyr or by contacting your nearest Norwegian foreign mission.

How much time it takes to consider a request for a visa?
If look at your mission in the Norwegian Foreign, Vistgriq usually you get an answer to your request for two weeks. But it depends on the size of the pressure of work in the foreign mission concerned. Ask about it in the place which the application was made.
If the request was sent to Norway and the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (UDI), Vtkon long does it take to consider the demand for longer than that. Find information about how long it takes to consider applications to the following address on the Internet / saksbehandlingstider
Required Documents
● application form.
● image will be valid for the visa sticker. Find an account of the requirements of the picture at this address:
● passport / travel document valid.
● a written invitation from the Norwegian reference.
● documents proving the degree of kinship (If the reference of the family).
● documents proving the availability of funds for the establishment or undertaking to ensure reference, see pages Directorate on the Internet.
Different documents required to be submitted from one country to another and may change. There are special rules for foreigners who impose on them a visa and apply to them the Convention area for European Economic Cooperation (EØS) or the European Convention on Free Trade (EFTA).
If approved, granted a visa should have health insurance and travel insurance valid in all countries of the "Schengen area", and not less than the value of coverage for 30,000 euros. Should provide proof of this insurance when issuing the visa.
For further information, contact the nearest Norwegian foreign mission. If you are located in Norway, you can call the police or the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (UDI).
If you want to study or to work, or to remain living with your husband / wife or with your family in Norway, you should apply for a residence permit or a work permit. More:

Do I need to apply for a visa when I will request a residence permit or a work permit in Norway?

You can not get a visa to Norway or to the countries of the "Schengen" If you will live in Norway. Some applicants anyway to get a visa (visa) before it has been considered a final request for a residence permit and work permit. This applies in the case you're thinking that live permanently in Norway and meet the requirements to get a residence permit or a work permit. Contact your nearest Norwegian foreign mission to get more information or see pages UDI on the Internet.

How do I apply for a visa if you are getting married in Norway?

If you intend to held Qrank and remain in Norway, you can submit a request for up to six months for a marriage contract. You should apply for residence in the Norwegian foreign mission in your home country, or the country in which you have a valid residence in the last six months. If you visit your sweetheart and go back to your home country after the visit, you can request a visit visa for up to 90 days

Why do I need in order to get a visa?

You must have a valid passport so you can travel to Norway, and should extend its validity for at least 90 days after the time given in the visa. You must have enough money to cover the costs of travel and accommodation in Norway If you  money, can stop you at the border, even if you've got a visa. Enough in some cases to have a financial guarantee to cover the costs of accommodation and return, the person who will visit him. You must fill in the sponsorship form in Norway by the person who will visit him (reference), and concludes at the police. You can also obtain a sponsorship form from the Foreign Mission or Directorate page on the Internet. Sponsorship form must be submitted with the visa application. Should have a legal right to return to their home country or to another country where you have a residence permit.
Must be in your intention to leave Norway at the end of the visa. Norwegian authorities can refuse your request if he barely has reason to believe that you will remain in the country after the expiry of that period on the basis of visa requested.
Should not be logged in the information network system "Schengen" (SIS) as an undesirable person in any of the countries of "Schengen".

Do I have to travel to a country which has requested a visa to her?

No, but you can travel to any country of the region "Schengen" after they have got the visa. But if you've ever thought that spend most time of the visit in a country other than Norway, you should request a visa from the embassy of that country.
Do I need to several visas to visit several countries in the region "Schengen"?
No, because the visa obtained from Norway will be valid in all the countries of the "Schengen". 

Can I get a visa for more than three months if you visit several countries?

No, you can get a visa for a period of days or less. You should leave the area "Schengen" before the expiry of the visa. If you do not leave when the visa expires, it follows that the consequences with respect to accessing the country in the future.
Can I object in case of rejection of my application?
Yes. If objected to the decision by the Foreign Mission, the objection is sent to the (UDI) for consideration. If you object to the decision (UDI) are sent objection to the High Commission for Foreigners Affairs (UNE) for consideration. There is no fee to consider the objection. 

      Residence permit to study in Norway: 

Can for foreigners who want to study in Norway to get a residence permit for study.
In order to get a residence permit to study in universities or schools in Norway, you should:
● to have got admission to a university or higher institute scientific or government institute high or high Art Institute or the Institute of Popular high or religious institute for a year (in special cases also recognizes public high school).
● be able to fund your studies.
● have place of residence during the study period.
● be full-time study.
● to provide a complete plan to study in Norway.
For applicants from countries outside the European Union (EU) and the countries of the European Economic Cooperation (EØS) and countries of the European Free Trade (EFTA), when applying for a student, you should submit the following documents:
● application form with a photograph.
● a photocopy of the passport.
● The acceptable documents to prove that you are in the recognized place of study or in school.
● Plan study.
● The documents cover living expenses (loan from a lending fund students or deposit in a bank Norwegian).
● documents important to you in addition to housing fee.
Different documents required to be submitted from one country to another is subject to change.
For more information you can contact the nearest Norwegian foreign mission. If you are located in Norway you can call the police or the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (UDI).
For applicants from countries of the European Union (EU) and the countries of the European Economic Cooperation (EØS) and countries of the European Free Trade (EFTA).
When you apply for a student, you should submit the following documents:
● application form private citizens of European Union countries and the countries of the Economic Cooperation with a photograph.
● The acceptable documents to prove that you are in the Foundation seminar, required to be a professional-oriented study.
● pledged or documents proving that living expenses are locked.
● health insurance for the entire study period. (In a private company or via E form or through the European Health Insurance Card).
Providers can demand from EU countries or the countries of the European Economic Cooperation, or countries of the European Free Trade must submit the request from Norway and they do not pay any fees on demand.
Can close family members to come to Norway with the applicant. The husband / wife / cohabitation for a period of at least two years and children close family members. In addition, you must provide the following conditions:
● should be able to provide for your family (income equivalent to Salary 1 degree in the peace of State for the salaries of at least).
● should provide health insurance for the whole family.
Given permission for a period equal to the duration of the study, but not for more than a year. Can renew the permit, which gives you the right to work part-time at the most. Gets family members if they come with you on a work permit.

                 Where do I apply?

Submit the request to the nearest Norwegian foreign mission, and is studying the application by the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (UDI). This excludes citizens of European Union countries and the countries of the European economic cooperation who can travel to Norway and submit the application.
And sends the request in this case to the nearest police station, who is studying the application. Students can also Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) to travel to Norway and submit the application. And these students can apply for a visa to the nearest Norwegian foreign mission, if fully met the conditions for it. The police then examine the application.

Are costs apply for the establishment of a student something?

The fee apply for a residence permit as a student is 800 NOK, and paid upon delivery of the request. If you previously existed in Norway or you make a request for the renewal of the permit, you pay this fee when police by cash or bank card). You also have to pay the fee in advance (by bank transfer), and attached link and demand that when you send a request by mail or received in person. Get the account number from the police, and the police are receiving payment and not the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (UDI).
If you would demand in Oslo, you can contact the Department of foreigners in the Oslo police to inquire about the account number.
You can find phone numbers other police departments in Norway at the following address:
The applicants from EU countries or the countries of the European Economic Cooperation, they are exempt from any fees.

What is the length of time it takes to study the demand? 

Duration vary from one application to another. If you have a title in Norway, you will automatically receive notification by mail that the immigration authorities have received your request.
And you'll find in this Report information about the duration of the study request.
See also Page Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration website (, or contact your service queries to applicants in the district to get the latest information in both English and Norwegian.

Can I object in case of rejection of my application?

Yes, the objection must be reasoned grounds in the case of providing additional information to you. In the case of your objection will be considered in the objection in the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (UDI) In the event that the Directorate did not change its previous decision, then consider the objection by the Supreme Commission for Foreigners (UNE). There is no fee to submit an objection. 

Can I bring my family with me?

If the remaining have less than one year of the study period in Norway, you can not take your family with you.
If the remaining have more than a year of studying in Norway, for your family can then close any husband / wife  / cohabitation for a period of at least two years and children under 18 years of age, to obtain a residence permit in Norway.
Family members should apply for a residence permit themselves to the nearest Norwegian foreign mission.
You should be able to provide for your family members and to provide accommodation for them with you. Minimum required income is equivalent to Salary 1 degree in the peace of State for salaries.
There are special rules for the families of students from EU countries and the countries of the European Economic Cooperation, where family members of the applicant associates traveling with him to Norway. The husband / wife  / cohabitation for a period of at least two years and children close family members.
In addition, it must provide the following conditions:
● should be able to provide for your family (income equivalent to Salary 1 degree in the peace of State for the salaries of at least).
● should be when family members health insurance.

How long I can stay in Norway? 

Receive a residence permit valid for one year at a time, and you should be renewed after the one-year period. So you can renew the residence permit, should be the level of your progress in the study is acceptable.

Do I get a work permit while studying in Norway?

Do not get a work permit normal when you come to Norway as a student. But you can anyway to apply for permission to work part-time (20 hours per week at most), and work full-time in the holidays. The institution that taught to ratify that this will not hinder your progress in the study.
Can a husband / wife o / cohabitation apply for a permit from the same type.
As for the citizens of the EU countries or the countries of the European Economic Cooperation shall be able to work up to half time. Family members do Almustahbun get permission to work.

   If you have questions about the rules, you can contact the nearest Norwegian foreign mission. You can also contact the police or media service to applicants in the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration on the site so as to obtain additional information in both English and Norwegian

Family reunion immigration to Norway:

Family migration means the coming of a family who are abroad, to Norway to stay with his family. The person who requests enrollment to be pregnant Norwegian citizenship or one of the Nordic countries or nationalities have obtained a stay residence or work permit form the basis of family migration.
Family immigration permit is granted to close family members primarily. Granted permission for a period of one year at a time. You can apply for permanent residence after three years.
Who are the Close family members:
* Husband / wife and life partner registered
*  cohabitation for a period of two years
* Children under the age of 18 years.

Some other family members who can obtain a residence permit in Norway: 

*  If them both a child or if they were expecting a child, although not the passage of two years on their relationship.
* The person who wants to marry another person in Norway within six months of entry into Norway.
* A single mother or father only over 60 years of it to have or has close family in their home.
* Single person who exceeds the 18-year-old, who has no breadwinner in his country or if you need special care.
* Brothers or sisters of the same mother and father who are over the age of 18 years, who are not a mother or father or someone else dependents in their homeland or in the state residents, and they do not have a mother or father in any other country.
* Other family members when there is a strong humanitarian reasons dictate those terms that should be provided to obtain a permit migration.
* Requirements must be provided the applicant live in Norway.
* Must be equivalent to the requirements of living, any income, the degree of salary 8 on the ladder of State for salaries. This is equivalent to the salary .
* This amount is adjusted on the Internet or (UDI) annually.
* You must provide a place to live if the applicant is not close family members. Contact your nearest Norwegian foreign mission. (See above). 

Where can apply: 

Must usually the person who wants to attend one of his family members in Norway to submit his request in his state or of the State in which he stayed during the last six months, and was in possession of a work permit or residence. Application must be submitted in person at the nearest foreign mission to Norway.
The person can not resident in Norway to apply for family immigration on behalf of others living abroad only in exceptional cases very special.
Required Documents:
* Application form with a photograph.
* Birth certificate.
* Photocopy all pages of the passport, including the page is used.
* Official statement confirming the degree of kinship with the person resident in Norway.
* Employment contract shows the level of income and the period of validity of the contract. Should also be provided and income sheet for the three months.
* Housing contract.
* The written consent of the father or mother of the child who will come to Norway in the event of sharing responsibility for the care of the parents, and only one holds or will get a residence or work permit. If a parent resident in Norway full responsibility for care, you must submit documents to do so.
* Benefit of the family situation of each of the applicant and the person resident in Norway when applying for the establishment for the purpose of marriage must provide original documents written attached translate to Norwegian or English language. Different documents required to be submitted from one country to another and may change. There are special laws for citizens of European Union countries EU and EEA (SØE). Contact the nearest foreign mission. See (www.idu.on).
For more information, contact the police or the Directorate of Immigration and Foreign Affairs (IDU) if you are located in Norway. 

How do I apply if you want to marry in Norway?

Family migration means the coming of a family who are abroad, to Norway to stay with his family. The person who requests enrollment to be pregnant Norwegian citizenship or one of the Nordic countries or nationalities have obtained a stay residence or work permit form the basis of family migration.
If your goal is to marry and stay in Norway, you may have the option to apply a stay for a period of six months for the purpose of marriage. Must apply for residence in the nearest foreign mission to Norway in your country or in the state in which you reside legally during the last six months. If you want to visit the beloved or beloved and return to your country after that, you can apply for a visit visa for 90 days.

Can I travel to Norway before getting approval to apply for family immigration?

You can not usually travel to Norway before getting approval.
In some cases, you can own If  not and obligation to obtain a visa to come to Norway and submit the application here.
Be, for example, when:
* Be a pair (s) being pregnant Norwegian citizenship or nationality of one of the countries of the North and a resident or intends to stay in Norway.
* Be a pair (s) obtained a permanent residence permit or any other statement that was mainly to give a residence permit.
Can also be to your children from your spouse who are not Norwegian citizens to enter the country and apply from Norway. The same applies to children from previous marriages if you can prove that the documents that you have a responsibility to care alone or with the other end of the parents, so that the other party agrees to the child's stay in Norway.
If you in any way in doubt about what it was you or your child could travel to Norway before granting the permit, you should in this case go to the nearest Norwegian foreign mission.
If you are covered by the necessity to get a visa, you can request a limited visa in order to obtain immigration family with your spouse, and go to the Norwegian foreign mission. This type of visa is granted only in exceptional cases and a limited group of applicants.
The embassy is to decide on the application, but you can make a complaint to the Directorate of Immigration Affairs in case of rejection.

Can I get a temporary work permit during the waiting period for a decision on the request of family migration?

If you are allowed to travel to Norway to apply for family immigration, you can apply for a temporary work permit.

Is there a fee to apply for family immigration?

Fees are paid upon delivery of the request to the police or the embassy. Exempt children under 18 years of these fees. See page Affairs Directorate of Migration and Aliens (IDU) on the Internet or contact your nearest foreign mission to get the latest information related to the size of these fees.
Pay this fee in cash or by bank card. Fees can be paid in advance by bank transfer. Must send arrived fees with demand when you send a request by mail or delivered in person. Ask the police or the embassy to get the account number.

What is the time it takes to process the request?

You can get this information from the Norwegian foreign missions for the latest information in Norwegian or English, see (www.idu.on), or contact your service queries to applicants at the Directorate of Immigration and Foreign Affairs (STO).

Can I objection if I got my rejection?

Yes, if your objection will be considered in the objection in the Directorate of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (UDI) In the event that the Directorate did not change its previous decision, then consider the objection by the Supreme Commission for Foreigners (UNE). There is no fee to submit an objection.

Do I need to renew the residence permit and the work that got it on the basis of family migration?

Given permission in principle for a period of one year each time. You must apply for renewal if your permit renewable.
It is important to provide the application for renewal before your permit expires. Must pay a new fee on renewal (exempt children under 18 years of these fees). You can, after three years to apply for permanent residence.

Do you cover travel costs for family members who will receive permission to family migration?

Usually do not. Can only cover travel costs for people who have obtained political asylum in Norway or persons refugees through the United Nations and who have low income or not they have entered.

For more information on the migration of family you can contact the nearest Norwegian foreign mission if you want more information on family migration. Call the queries to applicants at the Directorate of Immigration (OTS), if you are located in Norway. Service response queries to the questions in Norwegian and English and other languages. 

Information for applying for asylum in Norway :

The resort is a safe haven in a foreign country where refugees live, defines a refugee as a person persecuted in his homeland, and that the asylum seeker people came by himself and without prior notice to Norway to ask for protection and recognition as a refugee. If approved, the request asylum, called the asylum seeker then refugees.
If your request is met for asylum turned down, you must then leave Norway and you can not apply for another type of work and residence permit.
In case you want to come to Norway to work, you should apply for a work permit.
Seekers: people are entitled to asylum in Norway if he has justifiable grounds to fear of being subjected to persecution in his homeland.
Should be the cause of persecution is ethnicity or religious or national origin, or membership of a particular social group or political conviction. This persecution should be individually. It should also be a fear of persecution is the reason that prevents a person's desire to return to his homeland, where that country's authorities can not or do not want to provide him with protection from persecution.
People who can not be included under one of these fields or under more than one case, they do not have the right to asylum in Norway.
The persecution of women in particular, and persecution based on sexual orientation, can also give renewed right to access to asylum. The persecution of the individual by all of his authorities and other entities, such as the armed organizations or members of his family, could give the right to asylum.
Do not usually get asylum in the case that it is possible for you to get the protection by the authorities of your country or in the case that you will be safe in the part of the home. Also, the economic difficulties at home does not constitute a basis for a residence permit in Norway.
Residence permit for reasons of protection if they do not apply to you requirements for obtaining asylum, you can get a residence permit for reasons of protection in the event that you return home is safe anyway.
This may be for example the result of public unrest could pose a threat to your life, or that there is
Risk would be subjected to torture or any other inhumane treatment.
Residence permit for humanitarian reasons
Can get a residence permit on humanitarian grounds in the case of strong humanitarian reasons dictate that, for example, the existence of serious health conditions or considerations relating to the status of minors. Is often to look at this matter in the context of the difficult circumstances in the country of the person, for example a state of war existed there. 

                  Study demand: 

Shortly after the arrival of asylum seekers to Norway, it is called to an interview. Constitute all of the interview and demand and perhaps with a personal statement, the foundation upon which to build assess whether when the applicant reason to get asylum. If you do not get asylum, the Norwegian authorities, however, and automatically assess whether you can obtain a residence permit either for reasons of protection or for humanitarian reasons. The course should provide reasons or strong humanitarian considerations.

Complaint when you reject asylum :

If rejected the Directorate for Foreigners and Immigration (UDI) your application for asylum, you have the right to object to this decision.
The objection should be sent or complaint during a period of three weeks from the date of receipt of the decision to reject lawyer of the (UDI).
Is first to consider the objection or complaint by the (UDI), which will see if there are new factors in your application.
Allows you usually stay in Norway during the consideration of the objection or complaint, but in a situation where you see the (UDI), it is clear that you do not need to protect.
If you can not find the (UDI) reason we call on them to change its decision to reject the request, then sends the objection or complaint to the Supreme Commission for Foreigners (UNE).
If the Norwegian authorities refused your request for asylum in the absence of other basis to give you a residence permit for reasons of protection or for humanitarian reasons, then you should leave the country.
You should call the police to deal with them to leave the country voluntarily. Instead, you can make a request to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to help cover the expenses of departure. This can also organization and in case you want to do, that greets you when you arrive home.
If you do not leave the country voluntarily, you will police Ptsver to home, forcibly if necessary, and will owe the costs of deportation of the Norwegian state.
The 48-hour procedure .
Was  work a new procedure to consider asylum applications from people from countries considered Directorate of Aliens and Immigration (UDI) safe countries in terms of principle. There are very few of asylum seekers whose applications are considered without a reasonable basis, get a residence permit in Norway. Will be considered your request individually but faster than regular applications (within a period of 48 hours), and according to a simplified procedure.
For more information on the subject of asylum, see where no information available in several languages.

Procedures to apply for asylum :

1) if the entry person to Norway submit his request in a police station where they are conducting an initial interview with him include access to personal information of the applicant as well as some questions about the way his arrival to the country and the reason for requesting asylum and how much cost and arrival.
2) is then transferred to the main reception center is located in Oslo, where he conducted basic medical examinations to make sure that it is free of communicable and infectious diseases.
3) in the main reception center receive him the Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers, a non-governmental organization gives information and guidance and fundamental task in relation to issues of asylum applications in Norway. Conducted this interview with the organization the person to give the necessary instructions on how to behave in the initial stages and beyond treatment. This interview is not official, but only to give advice and guidance to the applicant. In other words, this organization does not have the right to decide on issues of asylum and a duty limited to advice and guidance.
4) The applicant then fill out a form consisting of several pages giving include: personal information of the country and the city next academic background practical experience information on family (parents, brothers and sisters), but the most important points contained in this form is the story (ie, the main reason to seek asylum) and here you have to be careful in everything remember avoided mentioning dates and days as much as possible and try to remember every detail that I mentioned in this form because you will be asked about in an interview later.
5) send the form (after you have completed the filling and Ziltha By signing) to the Department of Immigration, where it is translated into Norwegian by a sworn translator.
6) is then summoned to the oral interview ask them questions mostly based on what I said in the above form for this, all what I have written in the form is important in this interview, which will be the foundation of acceptance or not.
7) is then taken from the main reception center to another center may be in another city is Oslo and this determined by the Department of Immigration. And you are at the center of this new get a temporary work permit in addition to sending you to a language school, during this period you pay is devoted to living requirements of approximately $ 500.
8) All things now may look good but after all this you have to wait for the result with a duration of up to a year and a half. This in case you have never submitted an application in another country or you are not registered in other European countries.
9) if the result of rejection (God forbid) is assigned a lawyer to appeal in as you. Submit to the appeal body Foreigners Affairs is empowered to issue a final decision regarding your sense that the decision taken by this body not subject to appeal or appeal.

                                     Notes :

Provide many personal documents more harmful than beneficial. One identity card to prove you, for example, Iraqi and other document proving you, for example, Christian (Imad certificate, for example) are more than sufficient.
During the interview Do not talk too much but Reply direct answers to the questions raised by you without going to the unnecessary details may Bet the pitfalls in the later stages of the interview.
A vast majority of Iraqis get to stay here, but the issue needed to be along the PAL it may take two years and probably more. If you develop fingerprints in another country, the period goes on more because the authorities here are addressing the country who took fingerprints and asked if he was ready to meet you again or not, said the state first took fingerprints they are ready to meet you again is Tesfark to that country immediately and without The delay if that State refused to meet you, then your application is studied in Norway, like other refugees .

In the latter managed to help my brothers is the virtue of God Almighty and the mistake is of the devil and of myself Voadhirona, and do not forget me pray God bless you .

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